Title: Rohwer Outpost, Vol. V No. 20, 9/2/1944, (denshopd-i143-00198)
Densho ID: denshopd-i143-00198

Rohwer Outpost
Vol. V No. 20
September 2, 1944

Mangham to Join Army

Loyalty of Japanese Americans Confirmed

Pre-School Confab. Daily Meetings Slated

Seabrook Jobs Reach Quota

Vacation Leave for Part-Timers

C. Wisdom Will Attend Meeting

Educational Movies to be Discontinued

[Page 2]

Rohwer Outpost Staff

Relocation Calendar

Red Cross Mail


Now Showing

Movie Prevues

Once Overs

[Page 3]

Social Notes

Informative Meetings End


Sunday Church Services

Rohwer Honor Roll

Bussei to Hear Dohi Sunday

Rev. Yahiro of Amache Visits

Once Overs (Cont.)

[Page 4]

S'Thners Take Goomba 7 to 1

Shamrocks Tops Pee Wee Schedule

Bomd'rs Play to Top Nat'l League

Nakama Swims to AAU Title

A37 by Kawano Snares League Batting Honor

Once Overs (Cont.)

[Page 5]

Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section