Title: Topaz Times, Vol. XII No. 2, 7/13/1945, (denshopd-i142-00416)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00416

Topaz Times
Vol. XII No. 2
July 13, 1945

Closing Date Told

Topaz To Close Nov. 1. Myer Urges Residents to Plan Relocation Now

Oak Cluster Awarded to Sergeant Yano

Buddhist Leaders Leave for S.F. to Convert Church Into Hostel

Topaz Population Report

Hosp. Makes Announcement

Appointed Staff to Work 6-Day Week

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Topaz Times

Hostel Battle Rages

Tule Lake Co-op Offers Reward on Information Regarding Theft

Placement Reveals Jobs in Center

Around the Circuit

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Departure Dates of Special Cars Announced

Minister Arrives from Missouri

Atkinson Named Property Officer

Pvt. Kawaguchi, Wounded Veteran, Visits Friends in Center

July Leaves Listed

Hospital Announces Closing of T.B. Ward

Ichiyasu Assists in YWCA Camp

Nineteen Aided by Assistance Program

Topaz USO to Hold Party on Saturday

Buddhist Hostel (Cont.)


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Terminal Departure

'Nisei GIs Among Finest' Says General Devers

Reward Offered for Attackers

Miss Bond, Maggiora Engagement Revealed

Aliens Ineligible to Lease Commercial Property in Calif.

[Page 5]

Topaz Couple to Marry in Salt Lake City

Bible School Plans Picnic

Appointed Staff Tops Bond Quota

Sunday Church Services

Obon Services Slated by Buddhists, Sat., Sun.

Lt. Hall Chosen as New MP Head

Massey Appointed Asst. Proj. Steward

Jr. YBA Meeting

Soldiers on Leave

For Sale

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Teletype from Myer (Cont.)

Yano Awarded Oak Leaf Cluster for Heroism (Cont.)

Cubs Capture Opener With 6-5 Win Wed.

Oldtimers' League Schedule Listed

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