Title: Topaz Times, Vol. VII No. 21, 6/10/1944, (denshopd-i142-00314)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00314

Topaz Times
Vol. VII No. 21
June 10, 1944

Cash to be Paid Workers for Overtime Hours

Antelope Springs to Open for Day Trips


57 Council Candidates Nominated for Election

Rules for Short Term Leave Given

Damage Caused by Wind Storm

Aloha Dance to Feature Savoy 3


Training Offered to H.S. Students

Japanese Recital


[Page 2]

Evacuees' Franchise Right Explained. Myer Assures WRA Support to Protect Voters

4 Representatives to Investigate Orem Seasonal Work Conditions

Local Boy Scouts Hold Field Day


Tule Lake Nisei Attacks Soldier

Noble Receives PH.D Degree from USC

Hospital: New Visiting Hours Announced

Summer School

[Page 3]

Man Lost While Shell Hunting Finds Way Home

Council Nominations Revealed

Urgent Appeal Made for More School Teachers

Students Relieve Worker Shortage

Soldiers on Leave

[Page 4]

Chicago Still Open to Resettlers, Says Kennedy

Mrs. C. Ostlund Joins School Staff

Sunday Church Services

Inductees to be Honored

Topaz Faculty: Five to Attend Summer Session

Catholic Church

Around the Circuit

[Page 5]

Canada Passes Anti-Japanese Land, Crop Law

442nd Infantrymen in Italy Tell Shelby Buddies of Experiences

Utah County Promises to Protect Nisei Workers

WRA Plans No Post-War Camps

Segregees Sentenced

[Page 6]

Nine Inning Contest Captured by Blk. 20, 3-2

Postponed Games Sked

Hardball: Married vs. Single Men Tilt Slated

Softball Results

Women's Summer Rec Program to Begin June 12

Sunday Golf Tourney Won by Takefuji

Rally in Last Inning Favors Block 26; Scores 9-8 Victory

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[Cartoon]: The Waste Time Kid

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section