Title: Topaz Times, Vol. VI No. 32, 3/22/1944, (denshopd-i142-00289)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00289

Topaz Times
Vol. VI No. 32
March 22, 1944

Cash Grant Policy Cleared. Center Draftees are Eligible for Leave Grants

Initial Topaz Inductees to Report on April 12

Myer to Arrive Thursday, Will Address Council on Saturday


USO Banquet: 31 Draftees are Feted at Party

Dead Letter List


[Page 2]

Myer Clarifies Residence Status of Camp Evacuees

Block 11

California Minister Demands Restoration of Nisei Rights

Two Colorado Draft Refusers Change Views

Gila Daikon to be Sent Here


[Page 3]

Desert Echoes

'Go for Broke': Sked for This Week Revealed

Chicago Hotel Agent is Here to Recruit Workers

Training Given at Hospital

YWCA: SLC Leaders Aid Local Group

Basket Making Show

USC Poll Favors Return of Nisei

Homikwai Slated

USO Donation


[Page 4]

Around the Circuit

Boy Scout Troop Formed -- Explorers

Utah Nisei Merchant to Test Legality of Bans

Nomura-Okamoto Troth Revealed

Girl Scouts: Program Planned for This Sunday

Washington Nisei Wounded in Italy

Japanese Land Buying Mooted

Departure Advice to Relocators Given

[Page 5]

Utah Farmers Depend on Topaz Workers

Block 35

WRA Head Upholds Nisei in Talk to Ogden Group

WAC Volunteer

New Postal Regulations Revealed

[Page 6]

Granite Tilt Cancelled

Co-op Slaughters Commissary in 25-9 Contest

YMCA Trounces Carrier Service to Take First Within A League

Hoop Results

Takahashi Leads Firemen in Close 34-30 Cagefest

Hi-Y Wins 2nd Victory in Ind. League, 13-9

Com. Badminton

Sked Change

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section