Title: Topaz Times, Vol. VI No. 2, 1/4/1944, (denshopd-i142-00257)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00257

Topaz Times
Vol. VI No. 2
January 4, 1944

Judge Hoyt to Induct Council Friday Night

Clinics Open

Spanish Officials Prononnce [Pronounce] U.S. Internment Camps as Good


20 Relocation Sessions Finished on First Day

First 1944 Baby

Resident's Kin Hurt in Italy

Engei Showings Prove Success

Construction of Tofu Plant Begins

[Page 2]

Art Lecture, Discussions Scheduled

Two Deaths Reported in Center



Advice to Relocators on the Sending of Baggage is Given

Nisei Work Status Bill Shelved by Calif. Board

Wins Back Pay

McColm to Teach New Farm Course

[Page 3]

Old Timers' Casaba Loop is Planned

Gym Schedule to be Set Up


Topaz Rams Seek Third Win; to Play Payson Hi

Return Tilt: Wasatch Quint to Clash Here

High School Casaba Five Laces Demoralized Deltans

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section