Title: Topaz Times, Vol. V No. 34, 12/21/1943, (denshopd-i142-00253)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00253

Topaz Times
Vol. V No. 34
December 21, 1943

Many Colleges Now Open to Nisei Students

Mary Asano is Accident Victim


Memorial Service


Auditorium Dedication to Open Holiday Season

Co-op to Give Show on 23rd

Dr. Goodman Given Month's Deferment

Children Invited to See Xmas Movies

Catholic Church to Hold Tea Party

[Page 2]

Community Ice Rink Now Being Constructed

Photographers are Needed



CES Staff Gets 40 Xmas Trees

New English Teacher Added

Girl Scouts Heads to Meet Thursday

Dress Rehearsal

Xmas Program Plans Ready

Notary Public Issues Advice

Council Bans Unsigned Letters

In Appreciation

[Page 3]


Citizens are Given Warning

December 22 to January 10: Holiday Schedule

1000 New Chairs Now in Gymnasium

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section