Title: Topaz Times, Vol. V No. 12, 10/30/1943, (denshopd-i142-00231)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00231

Topaz Times
Vol. V No. 12
October 30, 1943

Embrace Photos Prompt Official Investigation

Topaz Students to Aid Beet Harvest

Topaz Razzle-Dazzle Attack Baffles Fillmore Prepsters


20 Workers Answer Call for Pipeline Replacers

Spud Pickers: 33 Men Leave for Tule Lake

Topaz Meat Quota Supplied by Farm

[Page 2]

Desert Echoes

Evacuees' Assimilation Not Difficult -- Myer

Motor Company to Train Men

Blowout Rolls Car Into Ditch

Buddhist Church to Honor Tuleans

Hospital Party

New Library Hours

Ration Office Moves Location

Chiyeko Kuroiwa Troth Revealed


[Page 3]

153 Topaz Family Units Depart; Mostly Couples

Filing of TFR 500 Extended

New WRA Relocation Branch in Pennsylvania Headed by White

Honor Students Come from Tule

WRA Office in Peoria Opened

Job Openings

[Page 4]

Around the Circuit

Play Equipment Set Up on 2 Center Playgrounds

Reception-Tea Honors Mission

Scout Party Set

Visiting Soldiers

Brownies Plan Halloween Party


Sunday Church Services

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Women's Mirror

To the Women

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The Inside Column

The Sports Circuit

Complete 8-Man Football Schedule is Announced

Volleyball Meet Notices Sent Out

Sunday Linkfest

Industrial Touch Pigskin League's Players Revealed

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section