Title: Topaz Times, Vol. V No. 2, 10/6/1943, (denshopd-i142-00221)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00221

Topaz Times
Vol. V No. 2
October 6, 1943

Agricultural Fair to Show Farm Produce

Two Topaz-Tule Ball Games Set

Art School


Three Injured in Provo Raid; Attackers Caught

Samler: Plans Vocational Training Courses

Recruiter Needs 70 Beet Workers

Rowalt Appointed Employment Chief

Editor's Note

[Page 2]

Canadian Property: Liquidation Sale to Gross Over $1,000,000

Ration Coupon #18 Valid Indefinitely

More About Provo Incident (Cont.)

12 CCC Buildings to be Transferred to Project

Firemen to Make Toys

Workers Needed at American Fork

10 Internees from Santa Fe Visit City

Buddhist Meeting

Lecture Series to be Conducted

[Page 3]

Shop Training: Greer School Accepts Nisei

Topaz Pianist Wins Scholarship

Accounting Classes to Start Thursday

Sewing School

War Plant Clearances for 2000 Being Considered

Transfer Swells City Population

Flower Arrangement

CES to Install Play Equipment

Internal Security Officer Named

Scouts Get Donation


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October 1943 Calendar

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section