Title: Topaz Times, Vol. V No. 1, 10/2/1943, (denshopd-i142-00220)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00220

Topaz Times
Vol. V No. 1
October 2, 1943

Ag Division to Arrange Farm Exhibit

Polio Rulings on Visits Given

WRA Educator Plans Topaz Visit


Topaz Prepares for Fire Prevention Week, Oct 3-9

War Bond Drive Nears $10,700

Winter Wheat Crops Planted


Work Training Director Due

YP Welcome Set

[Page 2]

The Mailbox

Around the Circuit

[Page 3]


New Work Policy Set for Seasonal Leaves

Jobs Plentiful in Minneapolis

Soldiers on Leave

Firemen Sought for Vacancies

Draft Regulations Issued Newcomers


[Page 4]

Women's Mirror

To the Women

[Page 5]

Job Openings

YP Fellowship to Hold Welcome Social Sunday

Support for War Fund Urged

Idaho Bar Admits First Nisei Woman

Sunday Church Schedule

Churches Welcome New Residents

For Sale


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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section