Title: Topaz Times, Vol. III No. 38, 6/24/1943, (denshopd-i142-00176)
Densho ID: denshopd-i142-00176

Topaz Times
Vol. III No. 38
June 24, 1943

News Briefs

Successful Farm Program Aided by Volunteer Help

1st Enlistees of Topaz Here

Simplified Procedure for Use of Aliens in War Plants Told

SF JACL Donates $1000 to Hdqts.

The Cat and the Canary

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Job Openings

Fashion Exhibit, Tea

Topaz Has Fine Record for Tire Conservation Says Aho

YMCA Protestant Church to Sponsor Summer Camp

Carnival Group Slates Meeting

Weekly Forum on Relocation

SLC Pastor Plans to Visit Topaz

Topaz Druggist Opens Own Store

Bridge Meet Won by Abiko-Yamada

[Page 3]

Ind. AA Standings

A Lotta Chatter

Comm. Topples Oilers, 8-1; Ties for 1st with Hosp.

Kids' Softball to Begin Soon

Golfers, Attention

Co-op 'B's' Beat by Whse.

43 Runs

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150 to Graduate Jr. High

Roster of Ninth Grade Graduating Class Told

Junior High Elects New Officers

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196 to Get Diplomas

Commencement Set at High School Plaza

No Honor Grads to be Revealed

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section