Title: Gila News-Courier, Vol. IV, No. 65, 8/22/1945, (denshopd-i141-00425)
Densho ID: denshopd-i141-00425

Gila News-Courier
Vol. IV, No. 65
August 22, 1945

Check-up on Evacuee Aliens Merely Routine

Drivers: Seek WRA Help to Get License

Service Held for Sgt. Fujino

Summary of Hog Farm is Given

Leave Stoves in Apartments

McCloy Berates Unfriendly Acts Against Nisei

Finance Needs Replacements

[Page 2]

Artist: Obata Returns to University

Staff: New Additions are Announced

Former Gilan Becomes WAC

100% American

Lakes Area is Being Surveyed

Red Cross Has Japan Messages

[Page 3]

Cleveland Nisei Casting Champs

Keo Nakama to Teach in Hawaii

Veteran Stars for Fifth Army

Welfare: Assistance and Grants to End

Judge Reasserts Original Stand

Oregon WFA Has Evacuee Checks

WMC Cooperates to Aid Evacuees

Cooking Pupils Win Credentials

[Page 4]

[Check] and Pick

Hospital: Strict Visiting Hours Enforced

Hostels Lack Storage Space

Omaha Gatherings Includes Gilans

Welfare Worker to be Absent

Santa Clara Co. Offers Farming

Former Gilan Gets Commission

Missouri Univ. Accepts Sisters

[Page 5]

To and Fro

Attorney: Iwasaki Plans Fresno Practice

Toy, Game Loan Will Close Up

College Wants Capable Nisei

Hotel Opened in Watsonville

New Books at Butte Library

L.A. Schools Open Sept. 4

Ads and Ends

Catholic Church Sunday Morning

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section