Gila News-Courier
Vol. IV, No. 46
June 9, 1945
Relocation Aid Available for Needy Families
Rivers High Schools Graduate 230 Seniors
Myer to Visit Center Monday
Election Day Next Tuesday
[Page 2]
Pamphlet: Gives Problems of Relocation
Visitor from Philadelphia
Butte: Welfare Needs Interpreters
Law Abdicated
Correction on Co-op Payments
Nakamura Heads Humane Society
Veteran Gets AFL Job
[Page 3]
Relocators: Ration Books Issued Locally
Outside Cities Plan Welcome
Courier Accepts Ads
Adult Education Offers Practical Job Training
Canal Graduates to be Honored
Compton Jaysee Soldiers Wanted
Poston Center Graduates 302
[Page 4]
Gen. Clark: 'Nisei Fought Magnificently'
WRA Forms New East Coast Area
Water OK for Drinking Use
Sergeant Wins Field Promotion
Shoe Equipment for Sale in N.Y.
L.A.: Japanese Hold Memorial Rites
Appointed Staff Gets Additions
[Page 5]
Hospital: Experienced Men Women Needed
Butte Jr. YBA Meets Tomorrow
Reverend Stuart Speaks Sunday
YW Board Meets
Butte YBA: Will Nominate New Officers
Canal YBA Fills Vacant Offices
Ads and Ends
[Page 6]
Fukuya, Hamamoto Lead Batsmen
28, 55, Canal High, Fag 9 Lead
Games Scheduled
Swimming Champ Back from Army
Kawakami Wins Golf Tourney
Benefit Movie to be Shown
Old Timers to Play Baseball
Tourney to be Held Tomorrow
Mgrs. Meeting
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To and Fro: The Relocation Parade
Job Offers
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Japanese Language Section
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Japanese Language Section
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Japanese Language Section
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Japanese Language Section