Title: Gila News-Courier, Vol. III, No. 154, 8/15/1944, (denshopd-i141-00310)
Densho ID: denshopd-i141-00310

Gila News-Courier
Vol. III, No. 154
August 15, 1944

Pvt. Ota: Accident Proves Fatal to Gilan

Memorial Service Held for Otani

Soldier Writes on Battlefront

Coast Papers Recognize Nisei

Pvt. Shiomichi Killed in Italy

Service: Tribute to Pfc. Kojaku Held

Visitors from Poston Arrive

[Page 2]

[Check] and Pick

Canal: Five Additions to School Staff

Sonoda Passes Dental Exam

Opening for Cadet Nurse

Ads and Ends

To and Fro

[Page 3]

George: Explains Food Processing

Ex-Gilans Wed in Milwaukee

Vital Statistic

Denver Court Convicts Nisei Sisters of Treason

Relocation Head Lauds Japanese

Poston Reverend's Schedule Listed

Three Draft Evaders Held

[Page 4]

Amache Series Anticipated for Friday

Major Leaguer Yearns Another Trip with Hawaii Nisei Pals

Hellcats and Broncos Tangle

Softball Menu

Ex-Big Leaguer on Nisei Troops


33 Wallops Lil' Gus, 11-3

2 Butte-Canal Games Slated


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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section