Title: Gila News-Courier, Vol. II No. 80, 7/6/1943, (denshopd-i141-00119)
Densho ID: denshopd-i141-00119

Gila News-Courier
Vol. II No. 80
July 6, 1943

Gila Co-op: Amendment Drafted to Limit Scope Within Center

Heart Mountain Girl a WAAC

Initial Canal YMCA Meeting Tonight

Chamberlin: Navy Will Buy Contrabands

Center Divisions Reduced From Thirteen to Six

CC Claim Void if Not Reported

[Page 2]


Editorials: CAS Finds End Good

Nisei Gandhi


Report: Miyake Feels Farming Best

[Page 3]

Gila Exposition Fair Has Genuine County Fair Touch

Canal YBA Plans Bon Odori

First Watermelon Order to Army

Adult Education: New Session Starts

Jr. YBA-PF Slate Joint Social

GYPA Raffle: Fifty Winners Names Listed

[Page 4]

Canal: YBA Installs New Officers with Candlelight Ceremony

Job - Offers

Buddhist Vesper Service Thursday

300 Enroll for Summer Session

New Class Opens

Instructions: Departure Date Changed to Avoid Weekend Arrivals

C.A.S. Extends Thanks to All

Vital Statistics

[Page 5]

Carnival Close Ups

Queen Kadowaki Receives Trophy

New Shipment of Shoes Here

Gila Project Administration Streamlined (Cont.)

Loaned Toy Return Asked

Canal Girl Scout Meeting Schedule

Co-op: Last Chance for Woolens

Fire Loss Low in All Centers

Gila Exposition a Huge Success (Cont.)

[Page 6]

Pasadena Set for Rivers' Tourney Finals Tonight, Downs Cards 8-7, Guadalupe 8-3. Butte Sweeps Series; Massy Tomooka, Harry Oka, Joe Shimada, George Egusa, Nob Oki, Slap Homers

3 in Charge of Field Arrangements

'65 vs. Hot Tamales

Major League to Resume Play Friday

Red Soxs Engage '66 Bees, Lompoc Bees vs. Gaels

Panthers Down Old Timers 11-6

'56 Cops Men's Softball Title

Southwestern Schedule Changed

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section