Title: Letter from issei man to wife, 5/24/1942, (denshopd-p140-00092)
Densho ID: denshopd-p140-00092

Fort Missoula, Mont.
May 24th 1942

My Dearest Katsuno:

This is our Anniversary darling! Its most gratified pleasantly years I had in my life by your affectionate love and God's venerable mercy. Lucky met you in dream early this morning just like "made to order."

Today has revived many sweet memories, Tacoma Point Defiance, Olympia state capital building and drived [drove] route with you, also recall school picnic at Jefferson Park. This morning I found conjugal stone, two in one and made a good shape stone. Some day bring back to you.

Thank God I made inspiring speech in morning Sunday service this our Commemoration day and good attendant audience was very calm and gravely. The topic is "The Journey of Wilderness" (wide plain). I changed underwear day before yesterday to summer which you sent me, thanks very comfortable. I have blooming lilac in vase on my table and look at all the time as your face smiling to me at opposite. I gaze your photo in trance very often. Every one well. I have some bad teeth but don't like pull out them so I don't go to dentist yet, no pain anyway. Last week Roy wrote me write again next Sunday (May 17th) but look like he forgot? Please acknowledge date of received my letter now on. Regards to Mrs. Hara, Arima, Mrs. Ito, Okuda, Mrs. Nojima, Kanazawa. All of my room mate well health. Best care yourself deary!

With love