Title: Letter from issei man to wife, 1/15/1942, (denshopd-p140-00046)
Densho ID: denshopd-p140-00046

Jan 15

My Dearest Katsuno: --

Thursday 1st thought you, boys and rest, church. I have nothing hear from you yet. Its take long time to censors, send & receive both way, trust in GOD. Someone gave me COOLLIER'S (Jan. 17/42) read carefully with dictionary. Its good study to me too, just finish page 12 last night. Magazine cost 5 cents. We have no Japanese book no newspaper but P.I. and Times Seattle, and dairy [daily] Missoula paper.


Friday, thinking you and clam chowder. We had corn meal mush, milk, coffee & toast for breakfast and baked salmon, rice, lettuce, bread pudding, tea for lunch. This morning Bible is "Song of Solomon" (GAKA) 3-1.24-1. Mr. N.D. Collaer is supervisor of alien detention port [fort] Missoula, here, very good gentleman, Christian I think, so everything O.K. Just mail delay about 10 days.


Dream back Home. Very clear this morning which I wished to when went bed 10 last night. How are Rev. Kodaira, Sawada, Kawakami, Itoi. Best regard to Rev. Dr. McConkey, Elder Schear, Rev. Murphy.

Okuda received teleglam [telegram] but took 3 days, air mail took 12 days for censor, others takes 2 weeks. Please good care yourself, boys. Write again.

Yours Love G.M.