Title: Letter from issei man to wife, 8/8/1942, (denshopd-p140-00123)
Densho ID: denshopd-p140-00123

Genji Mihara ISN. 46-J-452-C1
Aug. 8th 1942

My Dearest Katsu,

I received your air letter yesterday and nuts, fan on Tuesday with much joy. Am glad as you are well. Yes still hot special afternoon. Wish I save some money for future but this situation absolutely impossible to do. But stamps Roy write me he got 6.33 for May. Where is relocation they going.

Deary you are not the "Anchin"? No? Might be the "Kiyoshime." I got letters from Mr. S. Hara, Terazawa, and Mrs. Matsuda last week but I have no spare to write on account of to you and American friends so let me excuse by cause of limit. Please may I ask you again to deliver them a message of my thanks and regret instead of my reply with best regards.

Am very well and lucky starred have hopeful vision with you under Blessing of God. You kept me bright -- the remembrance of your sweet and devoted kindness such as only a true lover's heart could be, I owe you more than anything as perhaps I may prove to you someday. I started new testament St. Mark day before yester Aug 6th. Thanks you wrote to Missoula, got a card yesterday. Friends all well, tell to Shuji his friends well but two who I wrote you last week, but I don't know both of them. Mr. Tera wrote me your looks are healthier that I delighted to know, ask you again to be healthier for my sake. Sorry for Mrs. Hirasato. Remember me to Mr. & Mrs. Ishii, Okada, Tanaka, Seiji couple, Misao san.

With love

Sincerely yours Genji