Title: Manzanar Free Press, Vol. 6, No. 91, 5/5/1945, (denshopd-i125-00336)
Densho ID: denshopd-i125-00336

Manzanar Free Press
Vol. 6, No. 91
May 5, 1945

Bandits Stage Second Robbery in Three Weeks at Saltdale

Japanese Section Seeks Translator

Civil Service Jobs Available at Tooele

Republic Shoots Mono County Scenes

Nisei Rights Upheld by Labor Unions

Hospital Patients Baptized in April

442nd Takes Part in Capture of Genoa on Italian Front

'Axis Sally' Rates Nisei GIs Secret Weapon of Army

Red Cross Drive Tops Previous Year Total; Exceeds $2000 Goal

WRA Remains on Job on V-E Day

'Know Where Good Japs Buried' -- Hanley

Manzanites Among Guests in Wisconsin

Dr. Brockway Here Next Wednesday

Map Club Holds Farewell Party for Members

Father Malone; Brother Bernard Visit Manzanar

[Page 2]

Manzanar Free Press Staff

Myer Tells Failure of Recommendations

Reveal Closing of Woodpecker's Club

Issei Woman Takes Life With Poison

Tell Work of Nisei Soldiers on Ito

Aspirin Pills

Housing Offered to Orchard Workers

United Nations Facts

[Page 3]

Letters from the Public

Denounces Attack on Nisei Home

Debate Return of Nisei to West Coast

More Tuleans Leave

Names Manzanite

Classified Ads

Buddhist Hostel in Need of Donations

Permanent Exhibit

[Page 4]

Manzanar Edges San Pedro in All-Star Contest, 11-10. Islander's 9th Inning Rally Falls Short; Seven Homers Wallopel

Nisei Ball Player on Seattle High School Nine


Red Sox Drop Two Games

Sport Bits


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Translation of Japanese Language Section

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Translation of Japanese Language Section

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Translation of Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section