Title: Manzanar Free Press, Vol. 6, No. 69, 2/17/1945, (denshopd-i125-00313)
Densho ID: denshopd-i125-00313

Manzanar Free Press
Vol. 6, No. 69
February 17, 1945

Incomplete Results of Polio Drive Revealed by Hutchison

200 Youths Attend Opening of Center

Leaves This Week

Claim Japanese Plan to Under-Cut State Price on Vegetables

Enroll at Glendora

Yasuda Departs for Glendale, California

Must Register for Employment to Work Under WRA

Two Fined on Beating Charges

Reservists May Enter Army Contest

Families of Providers in Army Eligible to 49 Percent of Grant

All Centers to Close January 1946 Myer Tells Rohwer

Resigns in Protest to Hospital Decision

McCord Meets With Local Welfare Staff

Reverend Morikawa Baptizes Chicago Japanese 'Hater'

Activity Hall Use

[Page 2]

Manzanar Free Press Staff

Church Group Combats Prejudice

New York Calling

[Page 3]

Red Cross Letters Arrive From Japan

Jobs at Seabrook Prove Satisfactory

Tell of Marriage

Classified Ads

Vital Statistics

More Tuleans Leave for Detention Camp

Visits Manzanar

[Page 4]

Reds Versus Whites in Exhibition Fracas Tomorrow

League Standings

Min Kosaka Hurls Two Hitter as Mates Edge 3-2 Win Over Solons

Osajima, Tatsumi in Finals Sunday

Red Sox Seventh Inning Rally Aids in Victory Over Yogies, 8-6

[Page 5]

Translation of Japanese Language Section

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Translation of Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section

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Japanese Language Section