Title: Request for Transportation of Property, 3/24/1943, (denshopd-p102-00037)
Densho ID: denshopd-p102-00037

Mar 24 1943


Name of Evacuee: Kara Matsushita. Family Number: 33062.

1. I hereby request the War Relocation Authority to transport the personal property listed on the reverse side hereof from the present location, shown below, to destination, shown below, without charge to me except as set forth herein.

2. All agreements made by me herein are made in consideration of traffic services provided in connection with the transportation of my property by the War Relocation Authority, and I hereby acknowledge the value and sufficiency of that consideration.

3. I represent and warrant that I have full right to cause said property to be transported; that I am the sole owner of said property, or that I have obtained written consent to its being transported, from all other parties who have any interest in said property.

4. The property is now at: Gilbert-Ritchie Warehouse (Name of warehouse or place of storage)

Toppenish (City) Washington (State)

To be shipped to: Kara Matsushita (Consignee) 14-9-C (Address) Heart Mountain (City) Wyoming (State)

5. A. (X) I agree that the Authority may designate the means and route by which the property is to be transported.

B. I choose to have the property transported via _______. I shall pay all expense connected with transporting the property. To cover this expense I am depositing with the Authority $ _____ under the provisions set forth in Paragraph 7.

(Check A or B. If B, designate route and amount deposited.)

6. In the event any of my property is perishable, or is (or becomes) contaminated or if it may lead to the contamination of other property, I authorize the Authority to dispose of such property (or any part thereof) without notice, by whatever method it chooses, without expense to me. If any proceeds are realized from the disposition of such property, those proceeds are to be remitted to me in full.

7. If any commercial property (that is, any property other than clothing, household furniture, kitchen equipment, utensils, and hand tools) is included in the list of my property on the reverse side hereof, such property is to be transported at my expense. To cover that expense, I am depositing with the War Relocation Authority $ _____. If the expense of transporting such property is less than the sum deposited, the Authority will return to me the excess on deposit: if the deposit is not sufficient to cover the expense. I agree to pay, prior to the delivery of said property at its destination, an additional sum sufficient to cover the deficiency. If I fail to make such additional deposit, the Authority is hereby authorized to sell my property or any part thereof, applying the proceeds to such deficiency and remitting the balance to me.

8. Since I have not seen my personal effects and other property for a considerable time and have no reliable inventory thereof, I hereby designate the War Relocation Authority as my agent to cause an inventory to be taken of the property which I am requesting the Authority to transport for me. I have confidence in the integrity

and good intentions of the Authority and its representatives, and I hereby agree to accept as correct subject to any claims I may make in writing within ten days of my receipt of such list, the list which will be delivered to me by the Authority to inform me what goods are being or have been transported for me.

9. I hereby release and discharge the War Relocation Authority and its employees and representatives of and from all liability whatsoever arising out of or resulting from packing, storing, transporting or otherwise handling my household and personal effects and any and all other property belonging to me or in which I have an interest.

Signature of Owner: Kara Matsushita (Seal)

Owner's Family Number: 33062

Address: 14-9-C Heart Mountain, Wyoming. (If owner is not residing at a Project, present mailing address must be given.)

Witness: F.K. Targa

NOTICE TO PROJECT DIRECTOR: This form is to be executed in quadruplicate and distributed as follows: two copies to Transportation Section, Evacuee Property Office, San Francisco, California; one copy to project files; one copy to evacuee.

(Form WRA-156, Reverse)


No. of Pieces/Articles:

6/Double bed (including spring and mattresses)




7/Wooden boxes


1/2-lid heater