Densho Digital Archive
Watsonville - Santa Cruz JACL Collection
Title: Jiro Sugidono Interview
Narrator: Jiro Sugidono
Interviewer: Tom Ikeda
Location: Watsonville, California
Date: July 28, 2008
Densho ID: denshovh-sjiro-01-0002

<Begin Segment 2>

TI: So let's talk a little bit about your siblings. So you had an older brother.

JS: (Yes), I had an older brother, he's a 1922, then I am 1923, then I had a sister, Grace is 1924, then I had a sister, June in 1925, and then, then there was a break of three years, so it would be '(28) I guess, that was Alice, she was 1928, (yes). So we had five altogether.

TI: So, and the first four were all a year apart.

JS: (Yes), that's right. In fact...

TI: Ichiro, you, Grace and June.

JS: My wife Jane, she, a while back she talked to my mother about all this, (she) said, "How come you had so much kid right after another? Well, she said she didn't know about the birth control. [Laughs] Well, they told her, but I guess she didn't know how to do it or she didn't do it.

TI: So it was almost after she had a child, she would almost get pregnant right away.

JS: Oh, (yes). 'Cause, heck, that was, oh, I guess right after she got married. See, the picture I got about her, they have, my father and my mother have picture of the shop they got on Main Street. That was right after they came back from Japan, they got married, it must have been 1920 or '21 somewhere around there. And they, from there she just got the kids. So right after that -- and she was only sixteen when she came over from Japan.

<End Segment 2> - Copyright ©2008 Densho and the Watsonville - Santa Cruz JACL. All Rights Reserved.