Densho Digital Archive
Preserving California's Japantowns Collection
Title: David Matsuoka Interview
Narrator: David Matsuoka
Interviewers: Jill Shiraki (primary); Tom Ikeda (secondary)
Location: Sacramento, California
Date: December 10, 2009
Densho ID: denshovh-mdavid-01-0020

<Begin Segment 20>

JS: Do you remember... Walter told us one of your brothers volunteered to be, serve, 442nd, the 442? Do you remember that, when your brother left, and what happened?

DM: What happened to my brother?

JS: Uh-huh.

DM: He was with the 442nd, and then he got, when they were attacked and then they got surrounded, and he got taken as a prisoner.

JS: He got captured.

DM: Yeah, so he was a prisoner of war, and then he said he was staying in one of the farmers' house to take care of the farm. They used to stay in a barn like place at night. But...

TI: I'm sorry, explain that again? So your brother, who was captured, stayed at a farm place?

DM: Yeah, they had a, they didn't have 'em in the regular prison camp, they have 'em working for the farms.

TI: Okay, so he was --

DM: According to him. I don't know what the...

JS: So like a labor camp.

DM: Must have been, yeah, must have been near the camp or something, otherwise... but he stayed in a barn like, he said.

TI: And did he ever describe how, how it was for him, staying at the barn, what it was like?

DM: No, he didn't say he was mistreated because in a farm, he's always doing something. But he had a book that he used to draw and everything. But he drew a lot of, pretty good, remembering, like, Donald Duck or something, pretty good. He drew those pictures.

TI: And who has that book now? Do you know where it is?

DM: Gee, I don't know. He probably had it, but I don't know where it is.

<End Segment 20> - Copyright (c) 2009 Densho and Preserving California's Japantowns. All Rights Reserved.