Bushido: The way of the Japanese Samurai warrior; the Japanese feudal-military code of behavior; chivalry.

Hakujin: Caucasian(s); white(s).

kamikaze: Literally "divine wind," refers to suicide attacks by military aviators from the Empire of Japan during World War II.

kendo: Japanese traditional fencing, in which a bamboo sword is used.

Kibei: American-born person of Japanese ancestry sent to Japan for formal education and socialization when young and later returned to the U.S.

Nisei: American-born children of Japanese immigrants; second-generation Japanese Americans.

samurai: Japanese warrior or military class during feudal times in Japan.

Sansei: American-born grandchildren of Japanese immigrants; third-generation Japanese Americans.

Yonsei: American-born great-grandchildren of Japanese immigrants; fourth-generation Japanese American.