<Begin Segment 28>
BK: So during this time, where was your father?
JT: My father at that time was... he came back, yeah, he came back, and so I guess we have to back up a ways, 'cause it was while I was working in the hospital that he came back and he was able to get a job as a cook in the hospital.
BK: But prior to this, where was he?
JT: He was still, he was still in Lordsburg, New Mexico. And I think my brother-in-law came home first. And I don't remember what month even this all was, but my brother-in-law came home and came directly to camp, and then he started to working and we resumed, they resumed, my sister... we lived in one room here, and then they lived in the barrack behind us so we were really close, and so she was able to resume her family life again. And then my dad came home a little later after that. And instead of coming directly home, he went, somehow or other went up through Canada, and my brother-in-law was just incensed, and I don't know how he ever found out about it. I think we were expecting him home just almost anytime but then when he didn't come home when he was supposed to -- which I guess my brother-in-law knew -- he came back -- when he did come in, he told us he was in Canada. And my brother-in-law just got so, mad because he said, "You're an alien there," and he could have been detained up there for the rest of who knows when. And so he was -- but he'd already had his little visit outside of the area and then he came into camp, and then became employed as a cook at the hospital.
<End Segment 28> - Copyright © 1997 Densho. All Rights Reserved.