fuan: Uneasiness; uncertainty; anxiety.

gaman: Patience; perseverance; endurance.

hakujin: Caucasian(s), white(s).

Issei(s): First generation Japanese immigrant in America.

jochūsan: Maid, housemaid, domestic help.

Kokorokai: Name of a community organization

koto: A Japanese harp or zither.

Nichirenkai: Nichiren Church.

Nikkei: A person of Japanese ancestry.

Nikkeijinkai: An association of people of Japanese ancestry.

Nisei(s): American born children of Japanese immigrants; second generation Japanese American.

Sansei(s): American born grandchildren of Japanese immigrants; third generation Japanese American.

shōyu: Soy sauce.

tanabata: The star festival, held on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, a holiday in which two stars are said to come together and meet.

tsukemono: Pickled vegetables.

Yonsei: American born great-grandchildren of Japanese immigrants; fourth generation Japanese American.