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Title: Mary Kato - Frances Kajita Nishi Interview
Narrators: Mary Kato, Frances Kajita Nishi
Interviewers: Barbara Yasui (primary), Tom Ikeda (secondary)
Location: Seattle, Washington
Date: March 17, 2022
Densho ID: ddr-densho-1000-494-6

<Begin Segment 6>

BY: Okay. And then so how about you? So you were ten years younger, so you were pretty young. So what did you remember about growing up?

FN: All I remember is that while my family was working, or my folks were working, they'd leave me alone in the house. And, you know, at a young age, you don't do that anymore. But I remember the hobos coming down the railroad track, and they'd come to the house and ask for something to eat. And I remember making them peanut butter sandwiches and giving it to them. In these days, you wouldn't be doing that to a complete stranger and opening up your house. And the parents would never think of leaving the children at home at that age by themselves. So that's what I remember.

BY: So did your parents know that that was happening and what did they think of that?

FN: I think they knew.

BY: And it was fine?

FN: (Yes). [Narr. note: Because it was the Depression time, all the U.S. was suffering. Hobos were young men going west, looking for jobs in the Golden West.]

BY: Interesting.

FN: I mean, everybody was trusting, I think, in those days.

BY: And do you remember anything else? Like where did you play or what kinds of things did you do?

FN: Well, while a lot of folks were working in the packing shed or something like that, I know I was with them. And it was hot, and so I'd be playing maybe in the car, in the pickup, or I'd be playing outside. Then one day I was playing with the wire that they used, and so I was bending the wires back and forth and it stuck in my eyes. And so they had to take me to Portland and had an operation on my eyes.

BY: Oh my goodness, how old were you, do you know?

FN: It probably was about seven or six.

BY: And did you have to stay in Portland for a while?

FN: Well, just after the surgery.

BY: But your eye was fine.

FN: Well, yes.

BY: Okay. And did you have playmates?

FN: (Yes), we had playmates around, but I don't recall playing with them too often.

BY: Who were they? Were they other families that lived there?

FN: Yes.

<End Segment 6> - Copyright © 2022 Densho. All Rights Reserved.