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Densho Visual History Collection
Title: Yoshiye Handa Yasuda Interview
Narrator: Yoshiye Handa Yasuda
Interviewer: Virginia Yamada
Location: Seattle, Washington
Date: July 15, 2021
Densho ID: ddr-densho-1000-485-20

<Begin Segment 20>

[Ed. note: This transcript has been edited by the narrator]

VY: Well, and the two of you raised a family together. And do you want to talk anymore before we conclude today? Is there anything else that you want to talk about, about your time together or the life that you led? Sorry, I'm throwing too many words. Yeah, I'm just wondering, before we conclude, is there anything else you'd like to say?

YY: Not really, I don't know. I can't think of anything. I'm glad that my children are independent and they're all settled in their way. And so I don't have to worry about them and I could just... I don't have any responsibility now. [Laughs]

VY: How many children do you have?

YY: Three.

VY: And these days...

YY: Hmm?

VY: These days, lately, now, what do you like to do? What kinds of things do you do?

YY: What do I like, what would I like to do now?

VY: Yeah, or what do you do now?

YY: I just feel like I've done everything, but there's always things to do. I mean, we're on an acre lot, and a lot of weeds come up. [Laughs] So each day I try to do a little bit. But I don't have to if I don't want to because I keep saying it looks natural. But there's always things to do, so it keeps me busy. And right now I'm trying to get rid of things.

VY: Well, that's perfect. It sounds like you've always been the kind of person to just kind of roll up your sleeves and get things done, so that sounds just right. Yo, it's been such a pleasure getting to know you, and I really appreciate you coming here today to talk with us. Thank you so much.

YY: Thank you, you made it easy.

<End Segment 20> - Copyright © 2021 Densho. All Rights Reserved.