<Begin Segment 7>
EG: And then what were your plans? You had been telling all your friends you're gonna go to America.
TM: And, why yes. The instruction from my father was that I should come back to the United States soon after the graduation. And the school was over early March and I left Japan, I think, I think about the middle or twentieth of March, and as soon as I got the diploma, I left.
EG: So you told them you were going to go back to America and you did. Where did you, where did you come to in America then?
TM: I beg your pardon?
EG: Where did you come to in America?
TM: Well, I came back to Seattle.
EG: Seattle.
TM: Where my, well, not quite an uncle, but something like uncle was here.
EG: Your father wasn't here?
TM: Father, no. He had gone back two years before that.
EG: Before you finished high school.
TM: And his cousin was here in Seattle. So I came here, relying on him.
EG: You, he was kind of like an uncle, but he was your, he was your father's cousin.
TM: Yes. But I used to call him uncle. [Laughs]
EG: And then they lived here in Seattle.
TM: Yes.
EG: Where in Seattle?
TM: Near Yesler way. Not too far from here.
<End Segment 7> - Copyright © 1997 Densho. All Rights Reserved.