gohan: Boiled rice; a meal.

Hana: A Japanese card game using playing cards with floral patterns, often a gambling game.

Issei: First-generation Japanese immigrant in America.

kenjinkai: Association of people who came from the same prefecture in Japan.

Kibei: American-born person of Japanese ancestry sent to Japan for formal education and socialization when young and later returned to the U.S.

mochitsuki: Rice cake making.

musubi: Rice ball.

Nisei: American-born children of Japanese immigrants; second-generation Japanese Americans.

obento: Boxed lunch.

okyakusan: Customer; guest.

Oshogatsu: New Year celebration.

Sambasan: Midwife.

samurai: Japanese warrior or military class during feudal times in Japan.

shochu: Japanese liquor similar to vodka.

tempura: Deep-fried fish and vegetables in a light batter.

zori: Japanese sandal with a flat sole and a thong fitting between the big toe and the second toe.