Densho Digital Archive
Densho Visual History Collection
Title: Tetsushi Marvin Uratsu Interview
Narrator: Tetsushi Marvin Uratsu
Interviewer: Tom Ikeda
Location: Emeryville, California
Date: May 25, 2011
Densho ID: denshovh-utetsushi-01-0001

<Begin Segment 1>

TI: Today's Thursday, March 26, 2011, and we're in Emeryville, California. And on camera we have Dana Hoshide, I'm the interviewer, Tom Ikeda, and we're here today with Marvin Uratsu. So before I start the interview, I just wanted to acknowledge you. Because when Densho first started, you came up to Seattle, and I distinctly remember -- this was probably over twelve years ago -- and you were interviewing the MIS. And I just wanted to acknowledge that it was really inspirational to watch you do that.

TU: [Laughs] Wonderful.

TI: And we were just beginning, and to be able to work with you in those early years was really great for us. So I just wanted to, on the record, say that.

TU: Well, I appreciate that very much.

TI: So we go a long ways back in some ways.

TU: Yeah, I think we first met in Hawaii.

TI: That's right, and that was probably '97 or something like that.

TU: I forget the exact date.

TI: Yeah, there was some big, something in Hawaii. Okay, so Marvin, let's start with your interview, and why don't we start off by just, why don't you tell me when you were born and where you were born.

TU: I was born on February 7, 1925, in Sacramento by the hand of the sambasan, I think. Because actually, my sister told me later on in life that I was actually born on February 4th but was reported by the sambasan three days later, February 7th, and that's what the official record showed, February 7th.

TI: And so what day do you celebrate your birthday?

TU: February 7th.

TI: Okay. And your name, what was the name given to you at birth?

TU: Tetsushi Uratsu, Tetsushi.

TI: And so where does "Marvin" come from?

TU: I think it was about the end of the grammar school period, the teachers were having a hard time pronouncing my name, Tetsushi. One called me "Teksuskie," made me a Polish descent. [Laughs] But I thought it would make things easier that I'd pick a name, and I picked up Marvin. I looked through all the names, there was a book on names, and I kind of liked the name Marvin because it had, I think, a pretty good description or definition, so I chose Marvin.

TI: Now, do you remember why you chose Marvin? Was there a particular meaning to it?

TU: Yeah, it's something like "high ideals." Beyond that I can't quite remember, but something like that. It was for a high goal.

TI: And you did this while you were in elementary school, or when did you select this name?

TU: I think at the end of the grammar school, before high school.

TI: Right before high school, okay, good.

<End Segment 1> - Copyright © 2011 Densho. All Rights Reserved.