Amerikajin: An American.

bocchan: Young man from a well-to-do family.

fumibako: Box to hold letters.

hakujin: Caucasian(s); white(s).

inakappei: [slang] Country bumpkin; hick.

Issei: First-generation Japanese immigrant in America.

kazoedoshi: Old manner of reckoning one's age, newborns being considered a year old, with everyone adding one year to their age at New Year's.

kohban: Police box.

Nisei: American-born children of Japanese immigrants; second-generation Japanese Americans.

samurai: Japanese warrior or military class during feudal times in Japan.

shamisen: A Japanese instrument, similar to a banjo.

tatami: Straw mat widely used as flooring in Japan.

yoshi: An adopted son; a son-in-law; a man who marries the eldest daughter in a family without sons and is adopted into her family to carry on the family name.