Densho Digital Archive
Densho Visual History Collection
Title: Marian Asao Kurosu Interview
Narrator: Marian Asao Kurosu
Interviewers: Alice Ito (primary), Tomoyo Yamada (secondary)
Location: Seattle, Washington
Date: June 23 & 24, 2000
Densho ID: denshovh-kmarian-01-0010

<Begin Segment 10>

AI: [Eng.] Now what was your husband's name?

MK: [Eng.] Oh, Naoe, Naoe Kurosu. Uh-huh. American name "Roy."

TY: [Eng.] Roy.

MK: [Eng.] Uh-huh.

TY: [Jpn.] How old was your husband when you married him?

MK: [Eng.] Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] Well, how old was your husband when he married you?

MK: [Jpn.] Well, I...

TY: [Jpn.] You were twenty-four years old, weren't you?

MK: [Jpn.] He was six years older.

TY: [Jpn.] Then, thirty years old.

MK: [Jpn.] Six years difference. Six years older.

TY: [Jpn.] I see. Then, when did your husband come to the U.S.?

MK: [Eng.] No, that's... seven years ahead time, yeah. Because his father stay in America. Just like same my -- you know, yeah --

TY: [Jpn.] He was brought here by his family, just like your case.

MK: [Eng.] Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] To help his family here.

MK: [Eng.] No, lots of boys and girls, you know, come to America. So, when you know, young lady and young man, then go-between -- still go-between. Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] Did you meet any other candidates? Or were you introduced only to Mr. Kurosu?

MK: [Jpn.] No, I did.

TY: [Jpn.] You saw others.

MK: [Eng.] Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] Did you see them officially?

MK: [Jpn.] No, not officially, but some suggestions.

TY: [Jpn.] Oh, there were some.

MK: [Eng.] Yeah, yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] So, before you married Mr. Kurosu?

MK: [Jpn.] Yeah, that's right. Here and there, some suggestions.

TY: [Jpn.] I see. You were at a perfect age for marriage.

MK: [Eng.] Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] Then, did you refuse those men?

MK: [Jpn.] No, not that I refused them.

TY: [Jpn.] I see.

MK: [Jpn.] Yes, there was one before.

TY: [Jpn.] Oh.

MK: [Jpn.] That didn't work out.

TY: [Jpn.] I see. Before you even met him?

MK: [Jpn.] Yes.

TY: [Jpn.] Then, it worked out with Mr. Kurosu and met officially.

MK: [Jpn.] Yeah, that's right. Uh-huh.

TY: [Jpn.] You must have gotten a good impression of him if you were willing to marry.

MK: [Jpn.] Yes. He was a gentle person.

TY: [Jpn.] I see.

MK: [Jpn.] Yes. It was rare to find such a person.

TY: [Jpn.] [Laughs] Really?

MK: [Jpn.] Yeah. The Japanese men are usually stiff and formal with women. You know.

TY: [Jpn.] Yes.

MK: [Jpn.] He was gentle and kind.

TY: [Jpn.] I see.

MK: [Eng.] Uh-huh.

TY: [Jpn.] So you made up your mind.

MK: [Jpn.] Yes.

TY: [Jpn.] He liked you, too.

MK: [Jpn.] Yes.

TY: [Jpn.] So you two decided to get married.

MK: [Jpn.] Yes, that's right.

TY: [Jpn.] Did you follow the Japanese traditions all the way through?

MK: [Eng.] Yeah, uh-huh.

TY: [Jpn.] I understand you were married at the Buddhist Church in Tacoma.

MK: [Eng.] Uh-huh.

TY: [Jpn.] What kind of people attended the wedding?

MK: [Eng.] Hmm?

TY: [Jpn.] People. What kind of people attended your wedding?

MK: [Jpn.] Well, friends.

TY: [Jpn.] From here?

MK: [Jpn.] Yeah. No. Friends here and friends over there. They were the same.

TY: [Jpn.] Yes.

MK: [Eng.] Just like Japan.

TY: [Jpn.] How did you make friends?

MK: [Jpn.] They were not my friends. They were just the go-between.

TY: [Jpn.] I see.

MK: [Jpn.] They just decided.

TY: [Jpn.] I see. But you said your friends attended the wedding, didn't you?

MK: [Eng.] Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] Then were they your husband's friends?

MK: [Jpn.] No. No. They were not Japanese friends.

TY: [Jpn.] Oh, then you had a small wedding.

MK: [Eng.] Uh-huh.

TY: [Jpn.] Then, who else was at the wedding?

MK: [Jpn.] No. No. Not a marriage. Some offers didn't come through.

TY: [Jpn.] Yes. Then, you were engaged to Mr. Naoe Kurosu.

MK: [Jpn.] Yeah. That's right.

TY: [Jpn.] You married him.

MK: [Jpn.] That's right.

TY: [Jpn.] At the wedding, family members and...

MK: [Eng.] Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] Who else were there?

MK: [Jpn.] Well, speaking of a family member, his father go back to Japan, too. So, he's only one stay in America.

TY: [Jpn.] He was alone here. Then.

MK: [Eng.] Uh-huh, yeah. Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] You said you were married in the Japanese style. Does this mean you were married in kimono?

MK: [Jpn.] Yeah. We have it right here. The picture of our wedding. I have a picture of our wedding at Betsuin Buddhist Church. A big one.

TY: [Jpn.] I see. Did you wear a Japanese kimono?

MK: [Jpn.] The dress was an American way. An American way.

TY: [Jpn.] Then you wore a dress in the Japanese-style wedding?

MK: [Eng.] Yeah, yeah, that's right. Long one.

TY: [Jpn.] A long dress?

MK: [Eng.] Yeah.

TY: [Jpn.] Did you wear a white gown?

MK: [Jpn.] It was the American way.

TY: [Jpn.] I see. Then, did your husband wear a tuxedo or business suit?

MK: [Jpn.] No. We have a picture somewhere. Didn't you see it?

[off camera, Lillian shows picture]

<End Segment 10> - Copyright © 2000 Densho. All Rights Reserved.