Betsuin: A branch temple under the direct supervision of the gomonshu.

bonsai: Potted dwarfed tree.

Budokan: Martial arts hall.

Hirakana: The Japanese alphabet, written with a cursive style.

Issei(s): First-generation Japanese immigrant in America.

judo: A form of Jujitsu developed as a sport and a means of self-defense without the use of weapons.

Judokaikan: Judo hall.

Kendokai: Fencing Club.

Kibei: American-born person of Japanese ancestry sent to Japan for formal education and socialization when young and later returned to the U.S.

kimono: A robe with wide sleeves and a sash, part of traditional costume of Japanese men and women.

miai: Meeting between a prospective bride and groom in an arranged marriage.

Nisei: American-born children of Japanese immigrants; second-generation Japanese Americans.

Obon: The summer Bon festival, a Buddhist festival which honor ancestors.

obuppan: Rice offering to the Buddha.

sanjutsu: Arithmetic.

Sansei: American-born grandchildren of Japanese immigrants; third-generation Japanese Americans.

sen: One one-hundredth of a yen.

Shinshuu: Sect of Buddhism.

shinya: The dead of night; midnight.

shosei: Houseboy.

socho: Head administrator of an overseas branch.

tofu: A bland, cheese-like food, rich in protein, coagulated from an extract of soybeans and used in soups and various cooked dishes.