<Begin Segment 20>
TI: Well, after you volunteered, what happened next? I mean, what, what...
MW: Well, we took that joyful ride to Camp Shelby, where we were inducted in Fort Douglas.
TI: But you, you were inducted in various groups, and I believe you were in a later group...
MW: Yeah.
TI: ...that went there. So there was some period of waiting between the point you volunteered and that you were inducted.
MW: Right. We all volunteered at the same time, but they separated us into different groups, and I think the first ones went in the summer, and the later groups went in the fall.
TI: And what were you doing in that period in the summer...
MW: Waiting.
TI: ...while you were waiting?
MW: [Laughs] Couple of us in the later, in the later groups, we got out of camp and went to a wheat farm, to wait for being, for gettin' called. That's when I went with Shiro Kashino.
TI: And so the two of you were, had volunteered, you were out of Minidoka. And while you were waiting for induction you were working up at wheat farms --
MW: Yeah.
TI: -- together.
<End Segment 20> - Copyright © 1998 Densho. All Rights Reserved.