JACL Philadelphia
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Leaving camp to attend college

0:07:51 — Segment 4 of 7

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August 27, 1994

JACL Philadelphia Oral History Collection


Courtesy of JACL Philadelphia

JACL Philadelphia
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Warren H. Watanabe

Warren H. Watanabe Interview

0:37:07 — 7 segments

August 27, 1994

Medford, New Jersey

Nisei male. Born August 12, 1921, in San Francisco, California. Grew up in San Francisco, where father worked as the executive secretary of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. During World War II, removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. Left camp to attend college and the University of Chicago. Earned a PhD and entered academia at MIT before working for a chemical manufacturing company. Moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, married and raised a family.

Herbert J. Horikawa, interviewer

JACL Philadelphia

Courtesy of JACL Philadelphia