George Uchida - Leo Uchida Interview Segment 2

Born in Florin, California (ddr-manz-1-61-1) - 00:03:47
Father's family background (ddr-manz-1-61-2) - 00:03:19
Being part of a large family (ddr-manz-1-61-3) - 00:05:12
Description of mother (ddr-manz-1-61-4) - 00:02:27
Description of oldest siblings (ddr-manz-1-61-5) - 00:05:03
Background of siblings (ddr-manz-1-61-6) - 00:07:14
Born into a family of many children (ddr-manz-1-61-7) - 00:15:31
Growing up on family farm, seeing movies, attending church (ddr-manz-1-61-8) - 00:07:36
Celebrating holidays (ddr-manz-1-61-9) - 00:04:40
Attending segregated elementary schools (ddr-manz-1-61-10) - 00:07:57
Helping with chores on family's farm (ddr-manz-1-61-11) - 00:12:09
Hearing rumors after the bombing of Pearl Harbor (ddr-manz-1-61-12) - 00:04:06
First train ride on the journey to camp (ddr-manz-1-61-13) - 00:02:42
Living conditions in camp with a family of eleven (ddr-manz-1-61-14) - 00:05:40
Having a conversation with a military policeman in camp (ddr-manz-1-61-15) - 00:02:46
Recreational activities in camp (ddr-manz-1-61-16) - 00:05:16
Memories of unpleasant food in camp (ddr-manz-1-61-17) - 00:05:19
Taking excursions outside camp with youth groups (ddr-manz-1-61-18) - 00:04:37
Interacting with Japanese Americans from other regions (ddr-manz-1-61-19) - 00:04:45
Brother's wedding in camp (ddr-manz-1-61-20) - 00:03:26
Family leaves camp and farms in Maryland (ddr-manz-1-61-21) - 00:08:02
George's Air Force service (ddr-manz-1-61-22) - 00:05:15
George's career as an engineer (ddr-manz-1-61-23) - 00:03:46
A memorable music teacher in camp (ddr-manz-1-61-24) - 00:03:59
Leo's postwar career (ddr-manz-1-61-25) - 00:03:20
Reflections on camp experiences (ddr-manz-1-61-26) - 00:06:56
Description of photographs (ddr-manz-1-61-27) - 00:03:48
Description of photographs (ddr-manz-1-61-28) - 00:06:23
Description of photographs (ddr-manz-1-61-29) - 00:04:08
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ddr-manz-1-61-2 (Legacy UID: denshovh-ugeorge_g-01-0002)

Father's family background

00:03:19 — Segment 2 of 29

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April 9, 2009

Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Courtesy of the Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Manzanar National Historic Site
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Leo Uchida
George Uchida

George Uchida - Leo Uchida Interview

02:39:09 — 29 segments

April 9, 2009

Los Angeles, California

Nisei males, brothers. Mr. George Uchida was born March 14, 1929, and Mr. Leo Uchida was born June 15, 1926, both in Florin, California. Grew up in Florin as part of a very large family. During World War II, removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. Following the war, George Served in the Air Force and became an engineer. Leo became a maintenance welder for the Los Angeles school system. Leo Uchida passed away in August of 2014.

Richard Potashin, interviewer; Kirk Peterson, videographer

Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Courtesy of the Manzanar National Historic Site Collection