Kenneth Narahara Interview Segment 3

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Father's prewar florist business

0:02:55 — Segment 3 of 17

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Alameda Japanese American History Project Oral History Collection


Courtesy of the Alameda Japanese American History Project

Alameda Japanese American History Project
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Kenneth Narahara

Kenneth Narahara Interview

1:10:41 — 17 segments

November 5, 2021

Alameda, California

Sansei male. Born December 16, 1936, in Oakland, California. Grew up in Alameda, California, where parents had a florist business. Immediately after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were forced to leave Alameda, so the family split up and moved to Oakland. Removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. After leaving camp, temporarily lived in a Buddhist temple in Oakland before returning to Alameda, where father worked as a gardener and landscaper. Kenneth attended school in Alameda before graduating from business school and working for the Mitsui company in San Francisco.

Jo Takeda, interviewer; Brad Shirakawa, videographer

Alameda Japanese American History Project

Courtesy of the Alameda Japanese American History Project