The Pacific Citizen
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This collection contains 52 editions from the 1952 volume of the Pacific Citizen.
Pacific Citizen
- Japanese American Citizens League (publisher)
Courtesy of the Pacific Citzen
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52 Objects
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 1 (January 5, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-1)
Selected article titles: "Supreme Court Sets Aside Ruling Restoring Citizenship to Two Wartime Strandees" (p. 1), "Legal Showdown Nears Over Government Subversives List" (p. 2), "JACL Joins 21 Groups in Suit Over Restaurant Segregation" (p. 3), "Former Seattle Kendo Group Gives Hall to Nisei Veterans" (p. 3), "Minorities and Crime. Opponents of Cultural Diversity Present a …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 2 (January 12, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-2)
Selected article titles: "Congress to Table Action on Nisei Strandee Proposal Until Supreme Court Acts" (p. 1), "President Urges Passage of ADC-Endorsed Measures" (p. 1), "Masaoka, Ennis Will Argue Against Deporting Japanese Proscribed Group Members" (p. 3), "Minorities and Crime: Belief Non-Whites Are More Criminal Common Misconception" (p. 5).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 3 (January 19, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-3)
Selected article titles: "Urge Claimants to Forward Compromise Settlement Offers to Department of Justice" (p. 1), "Ask Newspaper Guild's Aid to Eliminate Derogatory Term" (p. 1), "ADC Charges Denial to Issei of Suspension of Deportation Abuses Discretionary Power" (p. 3), "Cultural Integration" (p. 4), "Chicago's Ellis Center Takes Part in Interracial Program" (p. 8).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 4 (January 26, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-4)
Selected article titles: "Government Sets Deadline For Compromise Claims. Justice Department Moves To Speed Up Submission of Offers Under New Setup" (p. 1), "Early Ratification of Japan Peace Treaty Urged by JACL" (p. 1), "House Judiciary Committee Urges Favorable Action on Equality in Naturalization" (p. 2), "Tule Lake Renunciant Asks For Restoration of Rights Forfeited in …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 5 (February 2, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-5)
Selected article titles: "Justice Department Asks $15 Millions for Claims. Seeks Supplemental Budget To Pay Off All Compromise Settlements Before June 30" (p. 1), "Senority Restoration Near For Evacuee Postal Workers" (p. 2), "Report High Court Decision Against Alien Enemy Ouster May Affect Japanese Cases" (p. 3), "JACL Councils to Be Asked To Assist Anti-Bias Program" …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 6 (February 9, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-6)
Selected article titles: "Army Cites Discrimination Against Buddhist Nisei GIs To Explain Change of Markers" (p. 1), "Masaoka Urges Restoration of Upright Grave Symbols" (p. 1), "Report Evacuee Claimants Get 17 Per Cent More Through Compromise Settlement Plan" (p. 2), "Ickes' Support of Fair Play For Nisei in Wartime Noted" (p. 3), "Supreme Court Grants Review …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 7 (February 16, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-7)
Selected article titles: "Midwest JACL Office Notes Racially Derogatory Remarks in Commentary of FDR Film" (p. 1), "Veteran of 442nd Says Italy People Remember Nisei GIs" (p. 1), "Few Evacuee Claimants Reject Government Counter Offers in Compromise Settlement Action" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 8 (February 23, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-8)
Selected article titles: "House May Consider Walter Omnibus Bill for Equality in Immigration, Naturalization" (p. 1), "Pacific Southwest Chapters Rap Anti-Civil Rights Move" (p. 1), "Masaoka Urges Greater U.S. Concern for Civil Liberties" (p. 1), "Racial Visibility is Factor Retarding Group Integration" (p. 2).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 9 (March 1, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-9)
Selected article titles: "House Group's Report on Omnibus Bill Notes Removal of Race Bars to Citizenship" (p. 1), "Chinese American Family Wins Moral Victory But Southwood Remains White Community" (p. 2), "Mass Evacuation 'Senseless,' Says Pearl Buck in Review" (p. 2), "Bill Seeks Drastic Penalties For Acts of Vandalism" (p. 2), "Charge N.Y. Nisei Tenants Face …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 34 No. 10 (March 8, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-10)
Selected article titles: "House Sets Floor Debate on Walter Omnibus Bill" (p. 1), "Hawaiian Statehood Opponents Reminded on Senate Floor of War Record of 442nd Unit" (p. 1), "Chicago Housing Group Tells Regrets Over Racist Remarks in Film About Late President" (p. 2), "Min Yasui Quits Post as JACL Regional Chief" (p. 3), "New York New …