The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 24 No. 5 (February 8, 1947)

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Pacific Citizen 1947 Collection

Selected article titles: "Mass Evacuation Unjustified, Says WRA. Dillon Myer's Final Report Asks Modification of Ban Against Issei Citizenship" (p. 1), "Report Property of Canadians Sold at Fraction of Value" (p. 1), "Investigate Forced Dismissal of Nisei from Oakland Factory" (p. 2), "Canada Stops Deportation; May Indemnify Evacuees. Prime Minister King Reveals Revision of Ottawa Attitude Toward Japanese Canadians" (p. 3), "Stress JACL Must Work for All Minorities" (p. 3), "Government Checks Await 400 Evacuees for Work in Camps" (p. 7).

February 8, 1947



Pacific Citizen

Courtesy of the Pacific Citizen