Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Gaijin Hawai'i" Collection ddr-njpa-2

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1207 items
An Aloha Week king and queen in traditional dress greeting a Lurline captain (ddr-njpa-2-512)
img An Aloha Week king and queen in traditional dress greeting a Lurline captain (ddr-njpa-2-512)
Caption on reverse: "ALOHA WEEK FORMALLY OPENS: Hawaii's annual festival was formally launched at Pier 11 shortly after 9 this morning when the Lurline arrived and her skipper, Capt. Harold R. Gillespie, was welcomed to Honolulu by the King and Queen of Aloha Week, Robert K. Kamana, Jr., and Mrs. Mary Ann N. Hutchinson, in a …
Newspaper clipping of a campaign advertisement for a Hawaii politician (ddr-njpa-2-516)
img Newspaper clipping of a campaign advertisement for a Hawaii politician (ddr-njpa-2-516)
Text on front: "CHARLES E. KAUHANE for REPRESENTATIVE Fifth District. Strongly in favor of a four year term of office for C. and C. officials. Reduction of Auto Tax, Abolition of tuition fee."
A Honolulu attorney and young members of Eisenhower's reelection campaign (ddr-njpa-2-517)
img A Honolulu attorney and young members of Eisenhower's reelection campaign (ddr-njpa-2-517)
Caption on reverse: "Harold Kay Mum on T. H. Governorship Honolulu attorney Harold T. Kay, one of the reported candidates for the Hawaii governorship, is going back to Washington for conferences within the next few weeks. Kay yesterday declined to discuss the governorship, saying his meetings will concern the National Citizens for Eisenhower group. He was …
Members of a Japanese dance troupe posing with Honolulu Rotarians (ddr-njpa-2-519)
img Members of a Japanese dance troupe posing with Honolulu Rotarians (ddr-njpa-2-519)
Caption on reverse: "TAKARAZUKA GIRLS GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: All 25 members of the visiting Takarazuka Troupe from Japan were guests of the West Honolulu Rotary Club at its regular weekly luncheon meeting Friday noon at Kewalo Inn. Above, left to right, are: Yuko Minami, Ayako Fujishiro, the Rev. Samuel Keala, pastor of the Kamakapili Church and …
Photograph and article regarding James Kealoha's 1962 gubernatorial campaign (ddr-njpa-2-524)
img Photograph and article regarding James Kealoha's 1962 gubernatorial campaign (ddr-njpa-2-524)
Article title: "Announcem't Brings GOP Alarm"; Article sub-heading: "Political Vet Culminates Year of Speculation"

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