Commander Katsuhira Nakamura presenting a gift to Captain Ole Jorgensen

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Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-1-532 (G197.001)

Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Gaijin" Collection

Caption on reverse [translation]: "A Silver Dove in Thanks for Norwegian Captain. (Yokohama Rengo). Commander Nakamura Katsuhira, a senior adjutant at the Ministry of the Navy, visited the Norwegian steamship Tyan [?] at 10:30 a.m. on January 19 as it was moored at bay no. 6. He carried a present from Naval Minister Osumi to its captain Ole Jorgensen, who rescued Lt. Nitta and four others during the large exercises last summer on the South Seas. After apologizing that the naval minister was busy in the Diet and could not visit himself and expressing thanks for Captain Jorgensen's actions, he presented the captain with splendid gifts in a paulownia wood box: a silver plate, a Japanese-style bronze roof tile enscribed with Minister Osumi's thanks, and male and female silver doves, the symbol of peace. Photograph: presents of gratitude for the Norwegian captain (Adjutant Nakamura is on the right)."



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Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

Courtesy of the Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation

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