Okano Family Collection ddr-densho-359

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1690 items
Mother and daughter (ddr-densho-359-453)
img Mother and daughter (ddr-densho-359-453)
Itsuno Kawamoto and her daughter Jeanette Otsuka pose on house steps.
Child (ddr-densho-359-454)
img Child (ddr-densho-359-454)
Ray Kawamoto poses for photo in front of house
Child (ddr-densho-359-455)
img Child (ddr-densho-359-455)
Ray Kawamoto poses for a photograph in a garden.
Women and young boy (ddr-densho-359-456)
img Women and young boy (ddr-densho-359-456)
Ray Kawamoto sits several female member of his family. Left to right: his mother, Shigeko Kawamoto; his grandmother, Itsuno Kawamoto, and aunt, Jeanette Otsuka, on the far right.
Child (ddr-densho-359-458)
img Child (ddr-densho-359-458)
A young boy, Ray Kawamoto, poses outside his house with his lunch box.
Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-359-459)
img Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-359-459)
Niki and Kenji Shikuma pose for a wedding photo
Wedding (ddr-densho-359-460)
img Wedding (ddr-densho-359-460)
Niki and Kenji Shikuma walking down the aisle at the end of the wedding ceremony.
Wedding reception (ddr-densho-359-461)
img Wedding reception (ddr-densho-359-461)
Niki and Kenji Shikuma cut their wedding cake at their wedding reception.
Family (ddr-densho-359-466)
img Family (ddr-densho-359-466)
A family with three children pose in front of a car.
Family (ddr-densho-359-468)
img Family (ddr-densho-359-468)
Kawamoto family pose for a photograph. Front row from left to right: Alice Okano, Kaichi and Itsuno Kawamoto, Jeanette Otsuka. Back row from left to right: Phil Okano, Eddie Otsuka
Issei couple (ddr-densho-359-470)
img Issei couple (ddr-densho-359-470)
Kaichi and Itsuno Kawamoto pose in front of a car.
Man and women on the beach (ddr-densho-359-472)
img Man and women on the beach (ddr-densho-359-472)
Man and women at the beach. Far left: Phil Okano. Second from right: Alice Okano; far right: Jeanette Otsuka
See-saw (ddr-densho-359-473)
img See-saw (ddr-densho-359-473)
Man and woman playing on a large see-saw. Phil Okano is on the right
Man and women on the beach (ddr-densho-359-474)
img Man and women on the beach (ddr-densho-359-474)
Man and women at the beach. Far left: Phil Okano. Second from right: Alice Okano; far right: Jeanette Otsuka
Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-359-475)
img Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-359-475)
Chiyo and Min Okano pose for their wedding portrait.
Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-359-476)
img Wedding portrait (ddr-densho-359-476)
Bride and groom, Chiyo and Min Okano pose with their family for a portrait. Min's parents, Haruno and Toshiyuki are on the right, next to Min. Far left, Misao and Tad Yamaguchi. Chiyo's parents, Kishineki and Harira, are left, next to Chiyo.

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