Densho Collection ddr-densho-35
339 items
Nisei veteran Memorial Day service (ddr-densho-35-55)
Every Memorial Day weekend, there is a service that honors Nisei veterans. The service takes place at the Lakeview Cemetery in Seattle, Washington.
Puyallup memorial sculpture (ddr-densho-35-56)
This memorial sculpture is dedicated to Japanese Americans incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center.
Puyallup memorial sculpture (ddr-densho-35-58)
This memorial sculpture is dedicated to Japanese Americans incarcerated at the Puyallup Assembly Center.
Chicago Defender article: "Here to Yonder: Colored Lived There Once" (ddr-densho-35-137)
Editorial by Langston Hughes.
Chicago Defender article: "Here to Yonder: Simple And The Atom Bomb" (ddr-densho-35-138)
Editorial by Langston Hughes.
Chicago Defender article: "The Winds Of Time: War Between Races" (ddr-densho-35-139)
Editorial by W.E.B. Dubois. Other subheadings: "Fight Against Caste" and "White Troops As Police."
Chicago Defender article: "Second Thoughts: Racism in All Directions" (ddr-densho-35-141)
Editorial by S.I. Hayakawa. Other subheadings: "Japanese Girl Among Negroes" and "She Had It Too."
Chicago Defender article: "World View: Japan's Secret Weapon" (ddr-densho-35-142)
Editorial by John Robert Badger. Other subheadings: "The Orient Wishes" and "The Fascist Underground."
Emergency Defense Council Excerpt titled "Evacuation" (ddr-densho-35-146)
Pages 6 and 7 from report submitted to the Tolan Congressional Committe on National Defense Migration. The Emergency Defense Council was associated with the Japanese American Citizens League.
Emergency Defense Council "Summary: Report Submitted to Tolan Congressional Committee on National Defense Migration" (ddr-densho-35-147)
The Emergency Defense Council was associated with the Japanese American Citizens League.