Ichikawa Family Collection


The Ichikawa Family Collection contains a photograph album with approximately 200 pictures of the Ichikawa family and their communities in Oregon (c.1935-1942) and Anderson Dam, ID (1945-c.1960). Added to the collection in 2018, a booklet written by Satoru Ichikawa about his parents' experience during World War II and documents from 1944-1946.



1 photograph album with photographic prints, black and white 1 booklet from a panel from Japanese American National Museum National Conference 2013 1 letter 2 telegram 1 money order 1 hand drawn and illustrated map 1 photocopied photograph


Courtesy of the Ichikawa Family Collection, Densho

Copyright restricted
Copyright restricted

207 Objects

Photo album (ddr-densho-258-1)
img Photo album (ddr-densho-258-1)
A family photo album showing life in Troutdale, Oregon before World War II, construction of the Anderson Ranch Dam in Elmore, Idaho during World War II, and life after World War II.
Tony [?] (ddr-densho-258-2)
img Tony [?] (ddr-densho-258-2)
A man leaning against an automobile, while another man sits inside the passenger compartment.
Howard and Grace (ddr-densho-258-3)
img Howard and Grace (ddr-densho-258-3)
Two children sitting outside. Caption below: "Howard and Grace, 1940."
Picnic with Takedas (ddr-densho-258-4)
img Picnic with Takedas (ddr-densho-258-4)
Family sitting outside. Caption above and on photo: "Picnic with Takedas, Mom, Jo, Ernie."
Grace (ddr-densho-258-5)
img Grace (ddr-densho-258-5)
Portrait of a woman and a young girl. Caption below: "Grace."
The fliver [sic] (ddr-densho-258-6)
img The fliver [sic] (ddr-densho-258-6)
An automobile parked near a structure. Caption below: "The fliver."
The Mr (ddr-densho-258-7)
img The Mr (ddr-densho-258-7)
A man sitting on the running board of an automobile. Caption below: "The Mr."
The Mrs (ddr-densho-258-8)
img The Mrs (ddr-densho-258-8)
A woman sitting in the driver's seat of an automobile, posed in the window. Caption below: "The Mrs."
Toyooka Farm (ddr-densho-258-9)
img Toyooka Farm (ddr-densho-258-9)
A man standing in front of a wooden building. Caption on the left: "Toyooka Farm, 1935-1936."
Men sitting on a car (ddr-densho-258-10)
img Men sitting on a car (ddr-densho-258-10)
Two men sitting on the front wheelwell of an automobile.

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