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This collection contains several issues of the Colorado Times, a newspaper published in both English and Japanese during World War II. Although not published in an incarceration camp, this paper served as a source of information for residents of the Granada (Amache) concentration camp, Colorado.
90 documents
Library of Congress
- Colorado Times (publisher)
Courtesy of the Library of Congress
90 Objects
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4288 (March 24, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-1)
Selected article titles: "Nation's First Anti-Discrimination Law Adopted by new York State"; "Service Sunday to Ordain Rev. Sakamoto to Ministry"; "New Yorkers Honor Mine Okubo: Nisei Artist Opens Exhibit of Her Pictures and Center Life"; "Pleas on Camps Scheduled for Denial"; "Nisei Bowlers' League"; "Denver City Tournament Will be Held Next Week"; "6,150 Japanese in U.S. …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4289 (March 27, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-2)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Loyalty Told as Hawaii Newspaper Calls for Statehood"; "Tule Lake Trio Sentenced"; "AFL Union Suspends Member for Anti-Nisei Talk"; "Nisei Indicted for Desertion From CPS Camp"; "Graves Bearing Enemy Names Desecrated"; "'Real Friendship' from California Man"; "Lost Battalion Thanks Nisei"; "Sacramento Evacuee Killed in Chicago"; "WRA Denies Plan to Unite Enemy Families"; …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4290 (March 29, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-3)
Selected article titles: "Resettlement Assistance Fund Aids St. Louis Issei"; "The Human Story of the Evacuees"; "Sunrise Services at the California Street Community Church"; "Heartaches Await Nisei. Many of Them, Not 'Liking the Looks of Things,' Remain in War Relocation Centers"; "Nisei Heroism Affords Antithesis of Racism"; "Zephyrs Upset by Marusho Vags; Bears Trounce T.K., 80-59"; …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4291 (March 31, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-4)
Selected article titles: "Beat Me, Professor, Eight to the Bar"; "Sacramento Officer Says Nisei Saved Outfit"; "Issei Arrested While Gambling in N.Y."; "Rohwer Contributes 866 Men to Serve in U.S. Armed Forces"; "Nisei Employed by WRA in Los Angeles"; "Nisei Girl Dies Giving Birth to Twins"; "Nisei Bowlers' League"; "Nisei Trial Suspended"; "Nisei Convicted of Theft …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4292 (April 3, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-5)
Selected article titles: "Policy Governing Center Visits Modified; Effective April 16"; "Placer's Largest Venire Summoned for Terror Case"; "Chicagoan Killed Accidently, Report"; "War Department Revises Oath Required of Nisei in Filing Special Draft Questionnaire"; "Night Riders Fire Into Home of Nisei War Veteran"; "Rocky Mountain Cage Tourney Starts Here Wednesday Night"; "15 Japanese Agitators in Newell …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4293 (April 5, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-6)
Selected article titles: "Exhibition of Resettlers Paintings Shown in Philadelphia"; "Oregon Passes Anti-Alien Land Ownership Bill"; "Resolution Urges U.S. to Pay for Japanese Return"; "Buddhists Plan Hana Matsuri"; "Nisei Held on Draft Charge"; "Court Restores Building to Japanese Grocer"; "WRA Probes Report of Attempt to Oust Nisei in Neb. Farmers Seek to Head Off Japanese American …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4294 (April 7, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-7)
Selected article titles: "Resettlement Assistance Fund to be Available to Nisei After Liquidation of WRA"; "Shopping and School Activities Occupy Family of Issei Architect in New York City"; "Ickes Believes West Will Not Tolerate Evacuee Persecution"; "Probe of Titles of Japanese Land Opens in Placer"; "2 Nisei Girls Commissioned Nurse"; "Nisei Bowlers' League"; "Manchu Bears Take …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4295 (April 10, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-8)
Selected article titles: "WRA Agents Berated at Mass Meet in Shelton, Nebraska. Shelton Residents Oppose Japanese Colony"; "Nisei on Iwo Jima"; "Nisei Girl Helps Yanks on Okinawa"; "Flood of Japanese to West Coast Feared"; "The Christian Century: Canada Threatens Its Nisei Citizens"; "Cornelians to Meet Thursday, April 12"; "Nisei Spearhead Drive on Italian Front"; "WRA Will …
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4296 (April 12, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-9)
Selected article titles: "Featuring... Nisei-Grams"; "Nisei GIs Recuperating at Vancouver, Washington"; "Nisei Coaches All Women's Basketball League"; "Saburo Kido, Nat'l JACL Prexy, Here"; "New Photo Studio Opens Here"; "Nisei Attorney Opens Law Office in Sacramento"; "Couple Found to Adopt Twins Born to Nisei in Chicago."
Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4297 (April 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-10)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Uncertain of Future in Shelton, Neb. District"; "Joint YPCF-YBA Get-Together Slated"; "Telegram Sent Mrs. Roosevelt by JACL"; "Telegram Sent President Truman by JACL"; "'Realistic' Guide Fixed for Japanese Farm Benefits"; "Four More Relocation Offices Due in Southern Cal."; "Evacuee Property Service to Become Responsibility of Relocation Division at All Levels"; "Youth Fellowship …