Industry and employment
At the turn of the century, Japanese immigrants (Issei) came to the United States to work on the rapidly expanding plantations of Hawaii and the farms, lumber mills, railroads and canneries of the Pacific Coast. They quickly realized this type of work was not going to bring them wealth, and many began looking for more promising opportunities. Farming, fishing and small businesses were often seen as the answer.
Industry and employment
582 items
Letter from Pat Edgar to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-118)
Pat Edgar writes to congratulate Kimi Fujii on her new position on the Alameda-Contra Costa District (AC) Transit Board.
AC Transit press release (ddr-densho-433-274)
A press release about improvements to a transit line in Newark, from Alameda-Contra Costa Transit. On verso are handwritten notes, possibly written by Kimiko Fujii Kitayama.
Resolution draft (ddr-densho-433-534)
A draft resolution to increase compensation and benefits for Alameda-Contra Costa District (AC) Transit Board and Division 192 employees.
AC Transit San Francisco study (ddr-densho-433-275)
A memorandum to Alameda-Contra Costa Transit about recommendations from a San Francisco Bay Area study.
Letter from Koby to Kim Fujii (ddr-densho-433-3)
Koby, who refers to himself as "that jerk" and "Joe College," writes to Kim Fujii about work, college, and women.
AC Transit Board meeting agenda (ddr-densho-433-273)
A meeting agenda for the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit Board.
Historical financial record for AC Transit District (ddr-densho-433-269)
A financial record for the Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District, 1960-1972.
AC Transit advertising budget (ddr-densho-433-272)
An advertising budget for Alameda-Contra Costa Transit.
Letter from Nicholas C. Petris to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-129)
Nicholas C. Petris writes to congratulate Kimi Fujii on her on her new position on the Alameda-Contra Costa District (AC) Transit Board. A copy of a newspaper clipping from the Oakland Tribune about Kimi's appointment is included.
Letter from Lorraine to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-24)
Lorraine writes to Kimi Fujii about her recent outings with friends.
Letter from Peggy L. Brake to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-119)
Peggy L. Brake, Manager at Bank of America, writes to congratulate Kimi Fujii her new position on the Alameda-Contra Costa District (AC) Transit Board. A copy of a newspaper clipping from The Daily Review about Kimi's appointment is included.
Letter from Lorraine Kawamoto to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-130)
Lorraine Kawamoto writes to congratulate Kimi Fujii her on her new position on the Alameda-Contra Costa District (AC) Transit Board. A copy of two newspaper clippings about Kimi's appointment are included.
Letter from Mas Isobe to Kimi Fujii (ddr-densho-433-11)
Mas Isobe writes to Kimi Fujii about life in Milwaukee and requests updates about Kimi's future plans.
Letter from Koby to Kim Fujii (ddr-densho-433-4)
Koby, who refers to himself as "the jerk," writes to Kim Fujii with a response about Frank's marriage, updates about his girlfriend, his visit to a Japanese restaurant in New York, and more.
Japanese American Courier Vol. 12, No. 583 (March 18, 1939) (ddr-densho-96-618)
Selected article titles: "Scrap Iron Trade Declared General" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Hoopster League Program Set for Collins Tonight" (p. 4)
Japanese American Courier Vol. 11, No. 534 (April 9, 1938) (ddr-densho-96-569)
Selected article titles: "Japan Declared in Transition Period" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Japan Society is to Celebrate on 15th Anniversary" (p. 4)
Japanese American Courier Vol. 3, No. 156 (December 20, 1930) (ddr-densho-96-186)
Selected article titles: "Industries to Ask Subsidy Aid When Japan Diet Meets" (p. 1), "Bachelor, Waseda Quintets Open 'A' League with Wins" (p. 2), "Pink Tea" (p. 3), "Uyematsu Given Venezuela Medal for Prize Essay" (p. 4)
Japanese American Courier Vol. 10, No. 476 (February 27, 1937) (ddr-densho-96-511)
Selected article titles: "Roosevelt Backs Bill to Replace Late N.R.A. Plan" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Out-of-Town News" (p. 4)
Japanese American Courier Vol. 13, No. 638 (April 6, 1940) (ddr-densho-96-673)
Selected article titles: "Japan Trade Need Post-War Feature" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "New Rainier Slugger" (p. 3), "Japanese Scouts Lead Big Parade in Spring Circus" (p. 4)
Japanese American Courier Vol. 11, No. 536 (April 23, 1938) (ddr-densho-96-571)
Selected article titles: "Bases of Foreign Policy" (p. 1), "Pink Tea" (p. 2), "Hang-Overs" (p. 3), "Hemphill Chosen Leader at Dinner of Japan Society" (p. 4)