Industry and employment
At the turn of the century, Japanese immigrants (Issei) came to the United States to work on the rapidly expanding plantations of Hawaii and the farms, lumber mills, railroads and canneries of the Pacific Coast. They quickly realized this type of work was not going to bring them wealth, and many began looking for more promising opportunities. Farming, fishing and small businesses were often seen as the answer.
Industry and employment
582 items
Construction site (ddr-densho-258-50)
Construction site with earth movers and conveyors. Caption below: "Process of building the Dam."
Constructing the dam (ddr-densho-258-64)
Men working among rebar and concrete forms in construction of the dam.
Construction workers (ddr-densho-258-53)
Men working on construction site. Caption below: "Air tampers at work."
Men working in tunnel (ddr-densho-258-63)
Workers and drilling equipment working inside a tunnel. Caption on right: "The Wagon Driller at work in tunnel."
Building a dam (ddr-densho-258-45)
Construction site with equipment and river in foreground. Caption on left: "View of outlet of tunnel."
"Saburo Miyake factory, Nanukaichi" (ddr-densho-259-551)
Caption by Yuka Yasui: "Saburo Miyake factory, Nanukaichi [Japan]."
Japanese teachers on Awaji Island (ddr-densho-259-125)
Shidzuyo Yasui (front row, center) with colleagues from the Sumoto School on Awaji Island, Japan.
Construction site (ddr-densho-258-55)
Overview of damsite. Caption on left: "Later stage of the Dam."
Damsite (ddr-densho-258-43)
Overview of damsite. Caption on right: "View of dam site from up river [sic]."
Earth conveyor (ddr-densho-258-46)
Overlooking construction site. Caption on left: "Full view of the conveyor."
Construction on Anderson Dam (ddr-densho-258-40)
Wide shot of a construction site with equipment and vehicles. Caption on left: "First stage of Dam."
Constructing a road (ddr-densho-258-58)
Earth-moving equipment constructing a road. Caption below: "The new road being leaded to Pine [?]."
Construction site (ddr-densho-258-52)
Equipment being towed by construction vehicle, with conveyor in the background. Caption on left: "Toothing the Dam."
Excavation pit (ddr-densho-258-41)
Excavation site with crane. Caption on right: "The Dixie Pit all the dirt used to build the dam is conveyed from here to the Dam, which is about one mile and quarter."
Excavator crane (ddr-densho-258-39)
Wide shot of a construction site (probably Anderson Dam) with a crane and a few vehicles. Caption on left: "The 'Monigan' can pick up 12 yards at a time."
Construction site (ddr-densho-258-47)
Overlooking construction site. Caption on right: "Dixie Pit and the Pendulum."
Construction site at night (ddr-densho-258-49)
Construction site lit up by industrial lights. Caption on left: "Night view of the Dam."
Earth loading equipment (ddr-densho-258-59)
Trucks being loaded with excavation material. Caption on right: "The Whiffle Pit."
Construction site (ddr-densho-258-44)
Overlooking construction site outbuildings. Caption on right: "Machine Shops. Compressor House. Blacksmith Shop. Warehouse. Bulk Plant. Time office. Cook House. Bunk Houses."
Damsite (ddr-densho-258-42)
Overview of damsite, through trees. Caption on left: "Overlooking the Dam site."
Pouring concrete walls (ddr-densho-258-57)
Men working at the damsite. Caption on left: "Pouring the walls."
Anderson Dam (1944) (ddr-densho-258-61)
Overview of the damsite. Caption below: "The Dam at August 1944."