Ethnic studies
Ethnic studies
40 items
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Pacific Citizen, Vol. 67, No. 24 (December 13, 1968) (ddr-pc-40-50)
Selected article titles: "San Francisco State issue splits Nisei community" (p. 1), "Hayakawa keeps his word by reopening strike-ridden college" (p. 1), "Japanese ethnic studies sought" (p. 1), "NIMH continues support of JACL history project" (p. 1), "Kaisha family children study Nihongo to insure native tongue not forgotten" (p. 1), "15 demands of San Francisco State …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 67, No. 23 (December 6, 1968) (ddr-pc-40-49)
Selected article titles: "Public interest still high on WRA camps" (p. 1), "S.I. Hayakawa heads strife-torn San Francisco State College" (p. 1), "Elementary school with over 50 pct. Enrollment of Oriental pupils big factor in high reading factor" (p. 1), "Poor Peoples Theater to stage play based on Dr. King's civil rights dream" (p. 2), "Oriental …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 20 (November 14,1969) (ddr-pc-41-46)
Select article titles: "Individual rights on expression spelled" (p. 1); "Arkansas to dedicate Rohwer WRA cemetery-war memorial" (p.1); "Ethnic language courses offered at Berkeley Hi; Nihongo oversubscribed" (p. 2); "Challenge of Issei Centennial cited" (p. 3); "Hear Black community views on achievement of Japanese Americans" (p. 6).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 68, No. 15 (April 11, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-15)
Select article titles: "Hayakawa to address PSW" (p. 1); "Inouye Calls for Red China Sit In United Nations" (p.2); "UCLA Japanese History Project Studying Feasibility of Ethnic Study in Hawaii" (p. 2); "Jerry Enomoto: Telling Like It Is to the Youth" (p.3); "Little Tokyo Redevelopment Project Underway, Survey Starts" (p.3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 4 (July 25,1969) (ddr-pc-41-30)
Select article titles: "Rights of individual within nat'l organization clarified" (p. 1); "Berkeley delays ethnic studies plan; slate only limited seminars, courses" (p. 1); "Seattle's Nihonmachi not doomed by stadium plan but by apathy" (p. 3); "NC-WNDC civil rights workshop adopts tough 12-point program" (p. 4); "Center of Storm: Dr. Noguchi" (p. 6).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 68, No. 16 (April 18, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-16)
Select article titles: "Inouye Paints Grim Picture of A-bomb Race" (p. 1); " Reagan to help dedicate Issei plaque" (p. 1); "Oriental Studies at Fresno State Slated for Fall" (p.3); "UC Berkeley commends Asian Studies 100% re-offered for spring quarter; continuation class also slated" (p.4).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 14 (October 03,1969) (ddr-pc-41-40)
Select article titles: "Jr. JACL organizational roots dry, program hurting" (p. 1); "Human relations dept. dropping talk, swing with action instead" (p. 1); "17 college set Asian American studies this fall" (p. 3); "Nikkei plight shown in perspective" (p. 4); "School Board Confronted" (p. 5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 68, No. 19 (May 9, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-19)
Select article titles: "Kleindienst's alleged remarks on detention camp dismays Inouye" (p. 1); "JACL letter to Inouye on Title II repeal placed into Congressional Record" (p. 1); "Teachers realize AJA community not all docile, of diverse views" (p. 1); "'Orientals in America' ethnic course initiated at UCLA; JACLer to appear as guest panelist next week" (p.2); …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 69, No. 21 (November 21,1969) (ddr-pc-41-47)
Select article titles: "JACL favors reversion of Okinawa to Japan by 1972" (p. 1); "Rohwer Memorial: Go for Broke!" (p.1); "JACL Statement on Reversion of Okinawa" (p. 3); "Seattle's first ethnic studies on Asian American taught at Jr. high" (p. 4); "Junior High School Poll: Views on Asian Americans" (p. 4).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 68, No. 17 (April 25, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-17)
Select article titles: "Sansei confront Warren, still refused to apologize" (p. 1); "Nixon appoints Nisei to Justice Dept. posts" (p. 1); "Monument stone being moved to dedication site" (p. 1); "Saturday Nihongo school continues to grow, 300 per cent in three years" (p. 1); "UNO summarizes CLCH conference" (p.4).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 68, No. 25 (June 20, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-25)
Select article titles: Noguchi hearing ending next week" (p. 1); "Seabrook JACL installation fete to commemorate 25th anniversary" (p. 1); "L.A. city human relationships votes 6-1 for repeal of Title ll" (p. 1); Ruth Benedict's study of Japanese lauded for foreign policy hearing" (p. 1); Tourist potential pf Little Tokyo eyed by planners" (p. 1).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 68, No. 18 (May 2, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-18)
Select article titles: "PSWDC hears two sides of now-generation problems" (p. 1); " Inouye Title II repeal bill, S 1872, co-sponsored by 21 senators" (p. 1); "Helicopter crew chief earns 23 oak leaf clusters" (p. 2); "375 students enroll at UC Berkeley Asian American studies; Ethnic Studies Dept. by fall quarter seen" (p.4); " 'Volunteers to …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 18 (May 6, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-18)
Select article titles: "Negro Stereotypes should be dispelled" (p. 1); "First Ethnic Survery At UC Berkeley Taken" (p. 1); "Nisei in Politics" (p. 2).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 10 (March 6, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-10)
Selected article titles: "High School to Show Success of Its Nihongo Class" (p.1, 4), "Historic Debate in Senate on Civil Rights Bill Looming" (p.1-2), "PSW Chapters Hear Health Plan Details" (p.1), "AJA Veterans Told Place Needed to Keep Migration Record of Issei to Hawaii" (p.1).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 24 (June 12, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-24)
Selected article titles: "Historic Senate Action to Gag Civil Rights Bill Depate Hailed" (p.1), "John Thomas, Baptist Minister Who Aided Evacuees, to Be Cited" (p.1-2), "Survey vs. Oral History" (p.1, 3), "Cal. High Court Rules to Keep Initiative 'On'" (p.3), "Moses Lake High Completes Its First Year Japanese Class on Regular Curriculum, Cited by National JACL" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 61, No. 4 (July 23, 1965) (ddr-pc-37-30)
Selected article titles: "JACLer Heads Anti-Poverty Council" (p.1-2), "JACL Juniors Pick JACL as Panel Topic" (p.1), "Second Ethnic Survey of State Employees in California Release" (p.3), "Negro Pairs Charge Race Bias by Home Builders, Agents" (p.3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 6 (February 18, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-6)
Selected article titles: "Prison System Chief Tells it Like it Is" (p.1, 11), "50% of Nisei Can't Afford to Retire at 65" (p.1), "Japanese & Non-Japanese Marriages Rising" (p.), "Utah Japanese: Survival in Hard Times" (p.), "'Terrible Subject' Becomes 'Constant Reminder'" (p.8).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 1 (January 7-14, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-1)
Selected article titles: "Trial Nears End, Defense Calls Wendy [Yoshimura]" (p.1, 12), "Office of Education Adds New Unit to Help Asian and Pacific Americans" (p.1-2), "A Legacy: 20 Suggestions for Reparations" (p.2), "Volunteer Power, Unltd." (p.5).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 18 (October 28, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-42)
Selected article titles: "Nikkei Approval of Multi-Ethnic Complex on Tap" (p.1, 3), "Funding for Eastbay Issei Housed Asked" (p.1), "Anti-Nisei Smear Activated Pauling's Social Crusades" (p.1), "Senate Passes Hawaiian Native Claims Measure" (p.2), "East West Players Open Season" (p.2), "Road Out of the Tule Lake" (p.8).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 17 (October 21, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-41)
Selected article titles: "Bakke Argument Takes Two Hours, Asian American Question Raised" (p.1), "Amy Doi Suing JACL for $62,000" (p.1), "Internment Credit Bill Advances" (p.1), "Senate Committee Favors Hawaii Reparations Bill" (p.2), "Civil Rights Commission Backs Affirmative Action" (p.2), "JACL Principles in Practice" (p.4), "Road Out of the Tule Lake" (p.5), "Japanese American Curriculum Project: Fulfilling …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 74, No. 16 (April 28, 1972) (ddr-pc-44-16)
Selected article titles: "No Move Made to Cut Asian Studies, CC-JACL Assured" (p.1), "Learning Kits, Pamphlets on Asian Americans Planned by JACL" (p.2).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 74, No. 23 (June 16, 1972) (ddr-pc-44-23)
Selected article titles: ""Pioneer Issei Physician Honored by Colleagues, Ex-patients and JACL" (p.1, 3), "NBC Anxious to Interview Persons Pictured in 'Executive Order 9066'" (p.1), "'Save Little Tokyo' Echos [sic] in City Hall" (p.3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 74, No. 9 (March 10, 1972) (ddr-pc-44-9)
Selected article titles: "Concerned Asians to Picket S.F. JACL Installation" (p.1), "Internal Feud at Univ. of Hawaii Perils Ethinic Studies Program" (p.1, 3), "Media Perpetuate Racism, JACL Worker Declares" (p.4), "Extortionists Stab Sansei High School Co-ed" (p.6).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 75, No. 5 (August 4, 1972) (ddr-pc-44-30)
Selected article titles: "Hoover Opposition to Evacuation Told in His Last Article" (p.1), "Butterick to Rid Derogatory Label" (p.1), "Nixon-Tanaka Two-Day Summit in Hawaii Set" (p.3).

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 75, No. 24 (December 15, 1972) (ddr-pc-44-49)
Selected article titles: "'Ethnic Understanding Series' Class Kits Ready for Distribution" (p.1), "Fujihara Premiers Film Strip on Asian Americans" (p.1), "A Tough, Nasty Business: Prisons" (p.2), "Japanese and the Jews" (p.6).
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