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2983 items
Dance music list (ddr-densho-336-1283)
doc Dance music list (ddr-densho-336-1283)
The 1979 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. The dance list was Brad Shirakawa's list of the songs to be played during the Thursday night dance and was recorded from vinyl records to tape.
Sharon Hanashiro making a phone call (ddr-densho-336-266)
img Sharon Hanashiro making a phone call (ddr-densho-336-266)
The 1970 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. \nCaption on front: "Hot line / camp to Fresno."
Flowers (ddr-densho-336-816)
img Flowers (ddr-densho-336-816)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Campers playing games in the lake (ddr-densho-336-1597)
img Campers playing games in the lake (ddr-densho-336-1597)
The 1985 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Left to right: Bobby Estrella, Danny Akagi.
Friendship circle (ddr-densho-336-691)
img Friendship circle (ddr-densho-336-691)
The 1975 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.\nLeft to right: Stuart Wong, Linda Kato, unknown, unknown.
Guitar session during a hike (ddr-densho-336-509)
img Guitar session during a hike (ddr-densho-336-509)
The 1972 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.\nCaption on front: "Rich Eijima, Peggy Sonoda, Peggy Hiraoka, Peter Horikoshi. / Mid week we would 'hike' up the mountain. We would walk up a paved road about a mile or so, to a place with a great view of the sunset and mountains around Lake Sequoia. It wasn't so …
Correspondence sent to reverends regarding the 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat (ddr-densho-336-717)
doc Correspondence sent to reverends regarding the 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat (ddr-densho-336-717)
A letter from Gordon Honda to Brad Shirakawa which included a copy of correspondence sent to various reverends about the 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat.