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401 items
401 items

The Northwest Times Vol. 2 No. 103 (December 15, 1948) (ddr-densho-229-164)
"JACL Seeks Riders for Trading Act" (p. 1), "JACL-ADC Pushes Move to Extend Soldier Brides' Legislation" (p. 1), "Chicago Unit Told of Bias in Cemeteries" (p. 1)

The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 51 (July 22, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-38)
"Senate Passes Rider to Soldier Brides Act" (p. 1), "House to Debate One Hour on Evacuation Claims Bill" (p. 1), "Tables Deportation, Naturalization Measures" (p. 1).

The Northwest Times Vol. 4 No. 71 (September 6, 1950) (ddr-densho-229-240)
"Korean Situation Hampers ADC Efforts to Win Boost in Claims Plan Budget" (p. 1), "Walter Bill OK by Truman Expected Soon" (p. 1), "ADC Releases Full Text of GI Bride Bill" (p. 1).

The Northwest Times Vol. 2 No. 20 (February 28, 1948) (ddr-densho-229-91)
"Ten Sit-Down Strikers Determined to Squat in Former RAF Quarters in Moose Jaw Until March 31" (p. 1), "I.A.M. Awaits End of Alaska Worker Issue" (p. 1), "824 Yankees Wed Japanese Through Jan. 1" (p. 2), "ADC Aide Assured Backing of West Virginia Leaders" (p. 4).

Tolerance Appeal Made for Japanese (December 11, 1941) (ddr-densho-56-540)
The Seattle Daily Times, December 11, 1941, p. 14

Refusing a Marriage License. (September 29, 1910) (ddr-densho-56-187)
The Seattle Daily Times, September 29, 1910, p. 6

Two Japanese Blame War On Chinese (October 28, 1937) (ddr-densho-56-477)
The Seattle Daily Times, October 28, 1937, p. 2

Many Races and Creeds Mingle at Evening of International Friendship (January 15, 1933) (ddr-densho-56-436)
The Seattle Daily Times, January 15, 1933, p. 3

Chinese Girl, Taken for Jap, Embarrassed (January 1, 1945) (ddr-densho-56-1091)
The Seattle Daily Times, January 1, 1945, p. 3

Excerpt from a naval counter-intelligence report (ddr-densho-67-115)
Excerpt from a naval counter-intelligence report on "minority groups' reactions to returning Japanese." Discusses the reactions of the Chinese, Filipino, Korean and African American communities to Japanese resettlement. The report cites efforts by each group in welcoming back the Japanese, but possible tension, especially with the African American community.

Memo, John L. DeWitt to John McCloy (ddr-densho-67-2)
Memo, John L. DeWitt to John McCloy, regarding mixed marriages and resettlement of Japanese Americans upon release from concentration camps. Includes McCloy's previous memo to DeWitt suggesting reexamination of DeWitt's policy denying return of mixed-marriage couples to the West Coast. Suggests considering requests on the basis of loyalty. In DeWitt's response, he objects to proposed changes, …

Chinese in S.F. Picket Stores Of Nipponese (October 17, 1937) (ddr-densho-56-476)
The Seattle Daily Times, October 17, 1937, p. 16

Racial Problems Will Be Discussed (June 3, 1945) (ddr-densho-56-1122)
The Seattle Daily Times, June 3, 1945, p. 12

Church Here Helps Relocation Farm (November 9, 1943) (ddr-densho-56-978)
The Seattle Daily Times, November 9, 1943, p. 17

Chinese-Japanese Symposium Planned (April 18, 1939) (ddr-densho-56-489)
The Seattle Daily Times, April 18, 1939, p. 3

Japs vs. Chinamen (January 15, 1901) (ddr-densho-56-18)
The Seattle Daily Times, January 15, 1901, p. 5

Japanese War Wives Here (November 11, 1948) (ddr-densho-56-1191)
The Seattle Daily Times, November 11, 1948, p. 11

New Building Opened. Bailey Gatzert Building Opens Its Doors. With Half Dozen Exceptions Its 500 Pupils Are Chinese and Japanese. (December 12, 1921) (ddr-densho-56-367)
The Seattle Daily Times, December 12, 1921, p. 5

Chinaman Being Displaced. Japanese Labor at Fish Canneries Now Said to Be Preferable. (June 11, 1904) (ddr-densho-56-43)
The Seattle Daily Times, June 11, 1904, p. 5

Entry of G.I. Jap Bride is Appealed (August 16, 1946) (ddr-densho-56-1165)
The Seattle Daily Times, August 16, 1946, p. 13

Masquerading as Swede is Charge. Elizabeth Willard, Alleged Unnaturalized German, Arrested by Federal Officers. (July 22, 1918) (ddr-densho-56-310)
The Seattle Daily Times, July 22, 1918, p. 10

Japs Win at Steveston. (July 17, 1900) (ddr-densho-56-17)
The Seattle Daily Times, July 17, 1900, p. 8

Quaker Girl's Parents Okay Marriage to Jap-American (June 30, 1944) (ddr-densho-56-1052)
The Seattle Daily Times, June 30, 1944, p. 13

The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 4 (January 12, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-171)
"Nisei Heroes To Be Buried in War Area" (p. 1), "JACL Aide Notes Indignities Suffered by Many Nisei Despite Decided Change of Sentiment Towards Us" (p. 1).